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How much does it cost for parts for a rebuild of a 91 2.2 liter, and should i try?

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First off do you think i have the ability to rebuild (head gaskets and a bottom end) subaru engine? I work on cars all the time i do timing belts, head gaskets, clutches, suspension, brakes, i convereted my SVX to a manule, but i never split a subie case? Ive helped rebuild a couple of chvey 350s, and pontiac 400, but never have realy dug into a subie. Second question, what specific tools are required, i have a engine lift, and engine stand, but specificley for the ej22 is required. Third question is how much do you think it will cost, for the gasket set, and some new piston rings, bottom end bearings, and bolts? The engine was never really over heated, but it went about 8/10s the way up on the temp once. Thanks

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The only thing that would be different between this engine and the chevy's is the sleeves. Most (if not all ) aluminum blocks have sleeves. this may make your job easier or harder. I have never replaced sleeves before, but you can resuse the same pistons if you get new ones.


Also there are a few companies that sell preassembled short blocks. kinda pricey though.


Good luck either way.



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