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Electrical prob for 1993 Legacy

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Whats Up everyone this is my first post. About 2 weeks ago my battery and seat belt lights on the dash started flickering periodcally, and whenever they do this everything gets brighter i.e. interiorlights,

headlights, stereo turns itself off for a few. Does any body know what this would be. Everything else runs awesome. Trying to get my wagon cleaned up enough to trade in for a WRX.

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Make this a third vote for alternator. Both my son and I have '93 Legacies and both have replaced the alternator once. A bad alternator definitely makes the dash lights start acting really funny. Among other things, my parking brake light started coming on all the time. The nice thing is that the alternator for a '93 Legacy is quite cheap and REALLY easy to replace. I purchased an aftermarket alternator from Autozone for about $50 and replaced it in 10 minutes right in their parking lot then took the core back into the store.




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