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Overheating only when at idle

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I have a 93 2.2 legacy. The head gaskets have been replaced about a month ago. when I was comming home the other day (60 mile drive) the temp was fine untill I stoped at the exit ramp stop light. Then the guage started to go up, and I lost heat, as soon as I started moving again the heat came back, and the temp went back to normal. At the next light same thing, I put it in park ,and brought the engine up to 2000 rpm, and the temp whet back to normal. Does anyone have any ideas.


Thanks Tim

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The cooling fans on the radiator might be the culprit. Since the car is moving, air is moving through the radiator and keeping the temp under control. Since you were stopped, there wasn't any air moving through the radiator, and therefore, the engine heated up. Check everything associated with the cooling fans. Another thing to check is to turn on the air conditioner. Does the temp fall once you turn on the A/C? That means the fans are working, and you should check the temp sensor or relay that kicks them on when the temp rises.

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  • 2 months later...
The cooling fans on the radiator might be the culprit. Since the car is moving, air is moving through the radiator and keeping the temp under control. Since you were stopped, there wasn't any air moving through the radiator, and therefore, the engine heated up. Check everything associated with the cooling fans. Another thing to check is to turn on the air conditioner. Does the temp fall once you turn on the A/C? That means the fans are working, and you should check the temp sensor or relay that kicks them on when the temp rises.


good idea.......


might be interesting to hook up the fan so will turn on when the key is on.......if the vehicle still heats up..... cougar is right on ...... circ/coolant problem.... one step at a time....... unless someone has been playing around with the timing or drained out most the oil...:)))


still.....I do believe some expert should write up a logical troubleshooting (overheating) guide on this site......especially with summer almost here.....could save some subis....and some HG...:))

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