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Transmission fluid, filter and diff fluid

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It's time for me to do a transmission fluid/filter change and differential fluid change on my 03 OBW. Almost everyone will say stick to manufacturers transmission fluid and differential fluid. I'm just wondering if there's anything better out there.


Just like many on this board recommended Castrol LMA for replacing brake fluid.


Other that the local dealer, where's a good place to get a Subaru transmission filter?


Thanks a bunch!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Synthetic gear oil is better, and I would use it (like Mobil 1 75w-90) but follow the specs in your owner's manual first and foremost.


Sounds like he's talking about an AT, I haven't worked too much with the automatics but I wouldn't worry to much about the brand fluid as long as its quality. I've heard good feed back about Mobil 1 ATF but haven't tried it myslef. Also just from what I've heard about the filter, definitly go to the dealer for the spin on filter which yours is(looks like an oil filter but people who have opened it say its not on the inside), the 4EAT's before '99 did not have the spin on filter so you don't have to worry as much about who is from.

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When I changed the tranny fluid & filter on my 2000 Forester I used the Subaru filter & Mobile One synthetic ATF. For the diffs I used Mobile One synthetic 75-90 gear lube. I did the change about 60,000 miles ago & all is well.


You won't be able to drain all the ATF out of the tranny. IICR you'll get about 3 to 4 quarts to drain out. I don't remember, but I believe the tranny holds 12 quarts. I drained mine & put new fluid in. Then I drove for a week & repeated. I did this three times, the last time I installed the new filter.


One more thing. Take the fill plug out of the reat diff BEFORE you take the drain plug out. If you drain first & you can't remove the filler plug you're truely ##**^%!!!



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  • 5 months later...
I've got mine at Pep Boys... Does it mean that I've made mistake while looking for a specific model number? (I haven't tried to install it yet)


Your trans has the mesh screen filter that mounts inside the transmission. The newer models have an external thread on filter that I do believe is only found at the dealer.


As for fluid stuff, Stick with whatever the owners manual says for weights and types. Diffs should have no issues with using synthetic, but I'd stick to regular ATF for the trans itself.



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I see.. thanks. So is it easy to replace the manual tranny fluid and the differential? Need special tools?


My auto tranny fluid was pretty easy to replace. However, I remember reading somewhere(can't find that post) that each drain would be able 4L....I was only able to drain out 3 qts each time(at running temperature). Pretty easy job. I drained it 3 times and on the last time, replaced the filter.


My front differential uses the T70 bit to remove the drain plug. I have that on order and have not received it yet. I hope that tool will suffice.

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Theres a front differential too?? Or is that just the tranny?

Have you replaced your rear diff fluid? Are the bolts on the side or at the bottom? How do you get the new fluid to stay in there? :) Thanks.


After I replied to your post, I read your posts on page 1 and think that we're talking about different cars. Mine is a 03 OBW auto so it has a separate front diff/tranny. I'm not sure what the other models have so I would have to refer it to someone more knowledgeble.

Sorry for the confusion.

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I used standard Mobil Dexron III ATF to change out our 03 Legacy wagon at 30,000 mi. Did not change the AT filter because owner's manual says it is not necessary so long as there are no leaks or other work to be done on the AT. I got 4 out of 9.8 qts out for each drain, and drained it twice over about 1000 miles. Am planning on changing out ATF about every 30K miles. With this schedule, I don't see the value in using synthetic.

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  • 1 month later...

You can not go wrong changing to a synethic in any of the lubricated internal parts engine, tranny, dif's etc. I did a partial AT fluid swap on a SUV which wsa about 1/2 the fluid it held. Before the swap the center console would get warm enough to melt a choclate bar. After the swap, no more melting! Why did this happen? Less friction along with better heat shedding capabilitles!



I just bought an 01' OBW and will be swapping out the tranny (Dextron III), front/rear dif's (75W90) with Redline Oil, a full synethic which I have been using for years with awesome results. I will also be swapping the engine oil with Castrol full synethic which I get CHEAPEST at any BMW dealer for $4.50 a quart. It was $4.00 a quart until a short time ago. I will also swap out the tranny spin on filter which can be bought at the dealer or online a several Subi parts sites.


My only question is do I have a tranny shop drop the pan to see if any band adjustments need to be made. Otherwise it is a pretty streight forward job that I can easily do myself. Any help with that question?


For a AT filter see subaruwrxparts.com Filter is $25 there

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