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Any opinions on clear bras?

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Hi everybody, I have been seriously considering putting a clear bra on my '03 outback to prevent rock chips, etc. Does anyone have any opinions on this? Does anyone know how much pricing should be, and if it's hard to do it yourself? Thanks!

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entire kit will cost around $300


i got:


hood scoop



door edge guards

door handles


and yes, the dealer installed it for me.


stuff is very much invisible until you're about 8" from the car


it's very durable


and has saved my paint!!!



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Subie Gal, your car is beautiful!


Kickson, my wife's Lexus has the clear bra installed on it. We purchased the car used with 50K miles and the protector was already installed, so I cannot comment on price. But I CAN comment on the fact that you can't see it till you are really close, like Subie Gal said. There are no chips or dings on the front of the car, so I think it has done a good job. Since I personally hate the look of the strap-on car bras, I'm all for the clear stuff.



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Thanks MailManX! Yes, a friend of mine has a clear bra on his Mitsubishi Evo. I agree that you can't see it unless you're very close. I'm just trying to persuaid myself that the bra is worth the cost. I want one, but do I want to dish out the bucks?

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i looked at it like this....


$300ish for a clear bra


$2000 for a new paint job in 3 years time...




yeah $300 sounded good :D



Hehe, I'm still waiting for a quote from the dealer. If they'll do it for $300, then I'm sold!


By the way, you're car is da BOMB subie gal!!!

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Hey, Subiegal, did your hood come with the vent holes already cut and the vents on there, or is that something custom you did? I'm painting my wagon this spring and want something to add a bit of flare to my hood, but nothing too loud or gawdy. I'm cheap, so I want to scavange the salvage yard and pull something off a wreck's hood to modify into mine. I've never cut on a hood and am curious about the lighter sheetmetal from overseas and it's workability in that regard.



Your car looks great, btw.

You know, you drop the "I" off your plates and maybe you could be the new spokesperson for Subway...people are getting a little tire of Jared...

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Okay, so I called the dealer a few days ago, and they told me where they do their clear bras, and they gave me a price of $199. I called up the tint shop and they did it for $189. I thought, "Great, $10 cheaper than what the dealer said. I can't beat that price when everyone else is saying $300". Stupid me did not think to ask what parts of the car were covered. It turns out only the hood was covered for the $189. So I called back to ask about the bumper. That is going to cost $385. What does everyone think. Should I get the bumper done? Everything adds up to about $600 after taxes. It would have a lifetime warranty. What do you think?

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Okay, so I called around and I found a place that will do the bumber for $185. I'm pretty happy about that price, so the total for both will end up to about $400, which is what I expected to begin with. I couldn't believe that one place said $500 for the bumper alone. Ouch!

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