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Help Locked Brake

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I just finished installing a junkyard engine in a 89 wagon for my daughter. That part works fine. But when I went to take it for a test drive the brakes where froze up! I jacked up the passenger side front wheel and the brake was stuck on. Then I cracked open the bleeder valve and brake fluid shot out of it. This releaved the pressure and allowed The wheel to turn. Any ideas I am not sure caliper or master cylinder is my best guess, but I dont want to give it to her and have it lock up on the way home from work at 10pm at night! roosfallevil

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That's weird, the only thing that is related to the engine install would be the HH. Did you check to make sure that nothing is pinched between crossmembers or the block or motor mounts or anything like that?


I suppose it could be purely coincidental and the caliper just froze.

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It probably is that the HH return spring is damaged or the HH has failed. I think a HH prob is more likely, or a bad master cylinder. If he brake caliper had frozen then air would have been sucked in, fluid would not have squirted out at you. It would not have released either. So it is either a bad master cylinder or a bad HH.

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