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Can someone tell me the aproximate cost for a routine 30,000 mile "autherized dealer" service on a 2003 H6 Outback? This is the first major service called for in the service book other than oil changes. I expect I need to brace myself!


I am moving to the Rogers, Elk River, Minnesota aria soon and could use a dealer recommendation. Anyone?


Thanks (JD)

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15k on a 04 h6 35th editon. So far very happy. Nothing but a small problem with defective Air Mass processor. Wouldn't be too hesitant to do a thirty k service except for all the problems I read concerning a proper bleeding of air from the cooling system. I downloaded the complete maintenance manual for SOA's site so I am in possession of the correct method hopefully.

Very thrilled with the car. Love taking it on the Outer Banks of North Carolina up and down the beaches.

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Thank you all for your replys. My 2003 H6 has been absolutely silk smooth and very dependible even in sub zero temps. I am taking my Outback to a Authorized Dealer because my warranty & extended warranty are still in effect. Not that I expect problems, but I would not want to void my coverage. I am still looking for a dealer recommendation for Minnesota. There are several dealers in the aria I am moving to, but a owners recommendation based on their experiance is what I am looking for.



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