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Worst Subaru pics......

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I was talking to a kid (like 17) about the seat I had installed in the back of an S15, and he said, yeah I had a subaru once that had seats in the bed. So I said "Oh, yeah, what happened to it?" He gave a story of one of the most extreem beatings I've heard of a car taking. He and a friend rolled it. Multiple times. The front end got crushed, popping the radiator. They still drove it. They were driving it in a construction side that his dad worked at, and every time it flipped or got stuck, they would use the loader to pull it out. They finnished it off by jumping it "Dukes of hazard style" into a pond. They climed out the windows as it sank. I asked if it was still in the pond, and he said that the pond had gotten filled in a couple of years later. Does a buried brat count as a wrecked subaru?

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  91Loyale said:
I was talking to a kid (like 17) about the seat I had installed in the back of an S15, and he said, yeah I had a subaru once that had seats in the bed. So I said "Oh, yeah, what happened to it?" He gave a story of one of the most extreem beatings I've heard of a car taking. He and a friend rolled it. Multiple times. The front end got crushed, popping the radiator. They still drove it. They were driving it in a construction side that his dad worked at, and every time it flipped or got stuck, they would use the loader to pull it out. They finnished it off by jumping it "Dukes of hazard style" into a pond. They climed out the windows as it sank. I asked if it was still in the pond, and he said that the pond had gotten filled in a couple of years later. Does a buried brat count as a wrecked subaru?
not if it doesent have pics
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  91Loyale said:
I was talking to a kid (like 17) about the seat I had installed in the back of an S15, and he said, yeah I had a subaru once that had seats in the bed. So I said "Oh, yeah, what happened to it?" He gave a story of one of the most extreem beatings I've heard of a car taking. He and a friend rolled it. Multiple times. The front end got crushed, popping the radiator. They still drove it. They were driving it in a construction side that his dad worked at, and every time it flipped or got stuck, they would use the loader to pull it out. They finnished it off by jumping it "Dukes of hazard style" into a pond. They climed out the windows as it sank. I asked if it was still in the pond, and he said that the pond had gotten filled in a couple of years later. Does a buried brat count as a wrecked subaru?
That's disgusting, I mean really.

I guess that was a case of a spoiled brat driving a Brat.

Tho I will say that given where I live, I see that sort of thing more often than I would like. A kid gets a car (like a BMW), destroys it, and his/her parents get him/her a better one (like a newer BMW).

For some reason, I don't think that is teaching junior a good lesson, it is just spoiling him even more.

(He might have learned something if he was trapped in it and had to be freed after he jumped it into a pond.)

Maybe I get pissed b/c my family doesn't have a 6-figure income, but really, that's just flat-out wasting money.

If I wrecked my car now (or some ***hole in a hemi-powered POS that can't stop ran into me), I would have to WORK to replace it, my parents would not automatically go out and buy me another one (might help if it was the other person's fault). Hence I TAKE CARE OF WHAT I HAVE!!!!!!!

OK, I am finished with my sermon now.

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I know this hardly will win awards for worst, but it was the worst I had ever seen and saddest too. :( I really wanted to have a turbo wagon.


Here is the outside. Doesn't look to bad.


Here is the inside once I pulled up the carpet and stuff.




I ended up getting rid of it. It ran good and had all the features I wanted, but I just can't do body work to save my soul. :(


BTW I kinda actually like the look of that one subieman posted. :) I would drive it if someone gave it to me. :-P

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alright, check this out. my home page is set to CNN, one day i open my web browser and up pops an image of a fiery wreckage described in the headline as being used by hamas (the palestinian militant group) as a car bomb in their latest attack (or shall we say retaliation) on the israeli people. of course after further inspection of the car still on fire pictured in the story i noticed the tail lights looked strangely familiar. ...then it hit me. that's a really high top camper on that gen II.

it's nice to know subaus are playing their role in the middle-eastern apartheid.


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