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Cone filters: How do you get cold air?

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I just upgraded to a MAF adapter and 3" cone filter. Excellent top-end performance with it, but lost a bit on the low-end. I was wondering if this comes from the increased flow of warm air into the intake. My filter is cradled in the bottom end of the airbox like so:




So basically I think it's getting cold air from the vent in the bottom of the box, but pulling in hot air from the top. What I could do to cool the air around the filter apart from cutting a scoop and relocating the filter to the spare tire bay?

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Back when I had my Unifilter on, I used some old heater ducting to scoop air from under the front bumper and ran it into the engine compartment through that hole in the fender that the stock intake runs through. This dumped cold air onto the filter at speed, without incurring the problems that come with a true ram-air or cold-air intake (namely, sucking water).

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i cut the hole with a 3 inch hole saw, and the pipe is a cut up intake from a 2000+ saturn sl2. (hey it was free) works awesome and sounds good to, cant get much colder air than that. and there is enough medal around the filter to keep water out.

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I have a 3" fenderwell intake on my EA82T in my GL-10 Wagon. It doesn't look as good as Dave's, but hey it's functional. I have never had a problem with the intake trying to take in water either, but that may be a result of me leaving the plastic inner fender liner intact.

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