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Cdplayer installation in XT

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The big thing on an XT, or any EA81 or EA82 series subie (im fairly certain) is that they all use a common ground system. From what i recall, the stock subie stereo is biased (atleast in my XT) with a front left - back right intertwined and front right - back left bias. I used the stock wiring to run the back speakers, and ran new wiring for the front door speakers. the wiring connectors are accessible in the little panels right by the front of the doors in the passenger compartment. I had some time to play around with my wiring and ran all new wires for all the speakers and the amp and sub. The amp and sub wires were ran under the molding in the door sills (plastic popoff screws). The antenna wiring is all there, I didnt know it until i had already cut my stock 40 watt casette/amfm combo's anttenna wiring. I cant explain it really, but ill try. Theres two motorola connectors (standard antenna) running alongside the driver side of the console in an XT, you just have to dig and find em. I had a parts XT that had intact wiring so it was easy to locate.


I had a picture of my JVC KD-S680 mounted in there, but cant find it. The factory mounting rails worked fine, and crutchfield.com sells a plate that covers up the space left in the dash.

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