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2000 Legacy GT mysterious coolant leak?

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So, great time to put up my first post. I've got a 2000 Legacy GT sedan and twice in the past month it's leaked coolant. Okay, not just leaked coolant, emptied the entire reservoir of coolant.



Park car at night outside in snowy weather (this was consistant both times, both the weather and the parking spot at girlfriend's). Next day, go outside in the afternoon and start car. Start backing car out of driveway only to find a large puddle of coolant. Pop the hood to find the entire reservoir empty.


1st time I paid $150 to get it towed to the dealer and looked at. They checked "everything" and found nothing wrong. They refilled the coolant, added the additive, and didn't charge me for the work (they figured the towing expense was enough).


Tonight it happened again, but this time I drove it home watching the engine temp carefully. Found the following thread already, but it has no solution/outcome:




Anyone have any ideas they can share? I'm at a total loss.

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GTBear. Hi, Please tell me if you checked the ratiator in the morning, and did It have coolent in it? If the resovoir is empty but he radiator is full You might have a cracked resovoir. The change in temp can cause expantion and contraction of the plastic resovoir and crack it over time. Did your temp. climb when you drove the car? What did the coolent if any look like in the radiator? How does the engine run? We need some more info. Please update us on you condition. Good luck Greg...

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Radiator has coolant (not sure how much), and appears to be good.


No cracks in the reservoir. I've been up and down in the mountains a bunch since I took it in the 1st time and no problems with pressure or temp changes.


The 1st time I took it in, they pressure tested the whole system and found zero leaks.


The engine ran fine, I didn't notice any changes in how it ran.


I kept a close watch on the engine temp on my drive home. It might have been a little higher than normal, probably somewhere around the middle of the gauge.

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Just got a call from the shop. They said that the radiator was opening up when heated and cooled rapidly...i.e. cracked radiator.


Put simply...I'm excited to get a new radiator :rolleyes:.


I guess it wasn't as mysterious as I had thought. Although, it would have been nice if they had just found that the first time I took it in to them.

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Just got a call from the shop. They said that the radiator was opening up when heated and cooled rapidly...i.e. cracked radiator.


Put simply...I'm excited to get a new radiator :rolleyes:.


I guess it wasn't as mysterious as I had thought. Although, it would have been nice if they had just found that the first time I took it in to them.


Thats good news! The dealer actually found a problem and fixed it. Lets call CNN and tell them to run a story, since Subaru hardly ever finds any problems with their cars. Let alone fixes them, welldone GTBear. Greg..

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