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5 speed MT clutch not slipping?

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About a month ago I posted my clutch was slipping and the RPMs flaring on just normal acceleration. Since the weather is just a litttle warmer the clutch hasn't been slipping hardly at all lately. I added Lucas transmission additive shortly after it started but I don't know if I can fully attribute the less slippage to Lucas or not. I was calling the dealer to price a new clutch install but maybe now I can put it off until i hit 250k miles. Any thoughts





'97 OBW 239,855 miles 5MT

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Lucas has nothing to do with your clutch slipping or not. The clutch is a dry plate (or darn well better be) and the oil hopefully will never touch it (if it does you have other issues). As for slipping and not slipping....lucky you...keep driving and when it gets worse then replace it. save your money and run it till it really slips.



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I too was experiencing slippage in fourth gear when the weather was much colder...about -20F. Now it is warmer and has subsided. Setright said it was the extreme cold effecting the friction coefficient of the clutch lining. A sign, he said, of age but not imminent failure.


Why would a transmission additive affect the clutch?

Is that your original clutch?

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You're right, Lucas wouldn't affect the clutch at all. I bought the car at 182k miles from a small dealer. The previous owner was the original owner and drove 72 miles one way to work each day and i think it is the original clutch. I had the head gaskets done at 191k miles which isn't too bad either.



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My 93's clutch was slipping in 5th while cold. Now that it has warmed up here, it has subsided. I kinda thought that maybe I got some snow pack into the clutch (not sure if there's an access hole for checking the clutch itself) after driving thru several big drifts.


Hopefully I can "nurse" it till the spring. Want to trade up to a newer (95-96) OBW with a 2.2 or an Impreza/OBS.

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Well, nearing 250k miles, I would suggest the old adage:


If it ain't broken, don't fix it!



Opening an engine/gearbox, especially one that has racked up the miles, always involves a little risk. What might break during disassembly? What other things will you find wrong with it?

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