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and still...nothing.


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After putting down massive numbers over stock, outrunning a TON of fast cars and having no issues outrunning WRX's and keeping up with STi's with no problems on fast curvey roads...


Still no respect.


I am pissed.



Seems like you must own a ricey WRX/STi thats only marginally faster than stock to be respected...or atleast an RS with a suspension/brakes/exhaust/other.

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What did you expect?


Think I get any respect out on the trails when I offroad with the "big boys" ?


Hell no; I'm the butt of every joke on the trail and around the camp fire.


Laugh with them or switch platforms :rolleyes:


Most often I get "why a subaru?". My typical response is "think if I could afforad a <insert their overpriced vehicle> I'd be driving an old Subaru ?" :lol:

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Some of them know whats what and know the RX is really fast. Some I dont care about and those are the said 'ricers' and they dont usually come out and play anyhow.


Its the rest who think that the car is stupid and pointless along with its pilot...and they are STILL blind to it when they get outrun by said car/pilot.

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I know what you're saying man. Over at the dragway, I get a lot of curious people asking about / complementing me on the XT. And when that happens Im glad to tell them about it and what i did, and point out that i only spent $200 to run 14s. But there are always a lot of kids who walk by and laugh, with their popped collars and Honda keychains. Sure my car doesnt look like a million buck, but it's put a spankin on its fair share of cars. Ive found a way to make some power without just relying on the wallet and APC/AEM.

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Old Gen vs. New Gen seems to be this:


Old Gen wrench and tinker and do the mods themselves and know a whole lot about their rides. Ingenuity and DIY are the rule of thumb


New Gen plunk money to a tuner and pay for every little performance mod they have. Money and the ablility to swipe a charge card are the rule of thumb.


Of course they don't respect. It's b/c they do not understand what you have accomplished. I think you increased your HP from stock to 160 right? That's roughly a 50% gain in HP. Tell them that you took a WRX and increased the HP to 340 by yourself w/o a shop and they will drool all over themselves.


Keep up the good work and know that your ride w/all the mods cost a fraction of what they paid for theirs.


Ohh.. and you can continue to spank those honda ricers and stuff b/c if Soob owners are clueless, they are definately clueless.


Keep the faith brother and know that we are rooting for you.



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(Insert all profanities known to man here) THEM!


Anybody that doesn't give you and your car the respect they deserve is too ignorant and worried about their own image to care about. At some point in time, everybody on this board has probably been laughed at or whatever because "it's an old subaru", and should we care? Especially considering how capable our vehicles can be, heck no! I drive my car because I like it and it's fun. I don't drive it because other people said that it would be cool.

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I don't understand those ppl who spend $$$$ on there pretty little lights, paint, 120dB+ audio and then just talk about the top speed they can pull (with "A Weighting")

Like whats the point in puttin audio stuff in a car if you want to drag it??? Like , GET A LIFE. And whats the point in having a car that can do 180MPH+ when it only has a 6second+ 0-60MPH... I say drag 'em, piss on them, AND LAUGH BACK!

Sorry, I just had to let that out :-\

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Its the rest who think that the car is stupid and pointless along with its pilot


Are you pointless and stupid?? :rolleyes::D


Sorry man...couldn't resist. ;) It's been one of those days.


People who badmouth aren't worth paying attention to. (ooops, dangling participle) If that's the only way they can feel like they're worth anything, just keep beating them and tick them off! Besides, they can only make you feel like that if you let them.




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Who needs respect when you have a 230hp RX? Screw them and their WRX's. Do you know how many WRX's I pass by every day? I dont even get a glance, they probably dont even know im in a Subaru. I preffer it that way actually.


And i know how morgan feels. When I go wheelin with the big guys, i get a ton of crap. Im the butt of every joke as well, and even tho it pisses me off to no end, i know things will never change so i just forget about it and preffer not to dwell on it.


Just remember, everyone here at the USMB respects you. That should be enough to keep you satisfied. And if its not, then buy a 2.5 RS, or a STi and be done with it.



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I know I'd be :slobber::slobber::slobber: over your car, but then again I have more respect for the old schoolers than the newer gen people (Like I'd have more respect for a guy with say an 89 Civic with an H23 VTEC that he put in himself, than for the guy with an 02 Prelude that some rich kid paid a shop to put a JDM type R motor into. I just have more respect for people who do things themselves, I mean any idiot can go down to Joes House or Rice and plunk down $20 grand to make their Civic do 12s, but how many people out there can do it themselves? How many people out there could get 230 HP out of an EA82? Not many, which is why I also say thuck fem and when they salk thit, show em what's up at the drag strip :D

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Most of my good buddies are always calling me a damn hippy. Just because I drive a station wagon? Alright that not the only reason... :headbang: Still I am the only one without a speeding ticket or DUI. Who the hell would thing a guy driving a old gen wagon is looking for trouble?


And that's the story why I have never been in jail, start with a subbie, end with a subbie.:grin:

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dude stop being a whiny *****, just keep reminding yourself that you beat them at 1/4 of their cost, and tell them that should shut them up pretty quick. :)


side note more and more people down here seem to know what my RX is and they are waving at me :) so now I don't feel so odd from them not waving back.

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I think your thinking about this the wrong way. The point of making an old car run faster than a new gen 'pretty' car is not to fit in with the new gen crowd. In effect, what you are doing is developing and falling into the sleeper category. Sleepers do not try to earn respect from knowledge-less money tossing racer-boys, but rather to make them look as stupid as they really are by spending less and doing more with a car that is completely unassuming to this new gen audience. Revel in the greatness that is the sleeper underground, we are superior let it be known. ;)

dude that deserves a standing ovation(sp)

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I think your thinking about this the wrong way. The point of making an old car run faster than a new gen 'pretty' car is not to fit in with the new gen crowd. In effect, what you are doing is developing and falling into the sleeper category. Sleepers do not try to earn respect from knowledge-less money tossing racer-boys, but rather to make them look as stupid as they really are by spending less and doing more with a car that is completely unassuming to this new gen audience. Revel in the greatness that is the sleeper underground, we are superior let it be known. ;)


MMMMmmm..... Sleepers. I love the thought of rolling up beside some lamer, and then smoke him. :lol:

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SHAKE THA HATERS OFF!!! Don't let them get to you. I go through the same thing here(mainly all the "my mommy or daddy bought my car and it's the fastest thing on earth" tech-schoolers that run around here on a daily basis). But nothing brings a bigger smile to my face than blowing the doors off their little riced out civics, eclipses, saturns, etc., and them still trying to race, not understanding what the hell just happened. There is nothing wrong with what you have accomplished. They are suffering from a little something called "PENIS ENVY". You have something that is older, faster, and didn't take as much to build up. Sure it was probably a long hard road, but you can take pride in the craftmanship and time that you put into making your RX what it is today. Personally, I like being able to whoop on someone and then blend back into normal traffic like nothing happened. So it's the sleeper life for me. And my GL-10 will be the third sleeper car that I have built up with my own two hands. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

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well think geting respect in a wagon is hard..

try doing it in a turbo minivan cause till i get the turbo wagon back online thats what i gotta roll around in in fact had a little match this morning on the way home from work

me turbo minivan

them ferd escort gt hp to weight on that is far better than my heavy van


45mph rolling start stayed even and let him pull ahead a tiny bit until about 65-70 and just put it on the floor goodby gt .. hit 85 ish and let off ...

and as usuall as i am slowing down to get back to the speedlimit he goes ripping past me like he never lost and keeps going for i am guessing about a mile past

i was very tempted to catch him and pass him again but figured why bother

btw is a 2 lane road both directions


so yeah pretty much regardless what you drive or how fast it is people always seem to think that their "namebrand" fast looking car is always gonna win

and almost will never admit or quit when they realize they where just a tad wrong and got whupped by something that cost less


oh and this is pretty much stock 5-7 psi cone air filter and a hks ssqv b.o.v

filter and bov are borrowed from the sleeping suby for now

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