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well think geting respect in a wagon is hard..

try doing it in a turbo minivan cause till i get the turbo wagon back online thats what i gotta roll around in in fact had a little match this morning on the way home from work

me turbo minivan

them ferd escort gt hp to weight on that is far better than my heavy van


45mph rolling start stayed even and let him pull ahead a tiny bit until about 65-70 and just put it on the floor goodby gt .. hit 85 ish and let off ...

and as usuall as i am slowing down to get back to the speedlimit he goes ripping past me like he never lost and keeps going for i am guessing about a mile past

i was very tempted to catch him and pass him again but figured why bother

btw is a 2 lane road both directions


so yeah pretty much regardless what you drive or how fast it is people always seem to think that their "namebrand" fast looking car is always gonna win

and almost will never admit or quit when they realize they where just a tad wrong and got whupped by something that cost less


oh and this is pretty much stock 5-7 psi cone air filter and a hks ssqv b.o.v

filter and bov are borrowed from the sleeping suby for now


Turbo Minivan.... LOL

Has anyone seen the video on stupidvideos.com where a minivan schools a z28 on the drag.... !

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Personally I think it's about money. The society we live in doesn't care about talent anymore, all they care about is money. Take one look at the music industry and you'll see what I mean.


Will, I think I can assume, with all due respect, that you can't afford an STi. Therein lies the problem. They don't care how much faster your car is than theirs, they don't care that you used actual automotive knowledge to make it fast, and they don't care that you have the driving talent that they could only dream of, which just makes you even faster. All they care about is MONEY!


They are ricers, every last one of them. It disgusts me to know that probably 75% of WRX owners have absolutely no idea what Subarus came before the WRX. And when you give them an opportunity to at least learn by showing some old-sk00l spirit, they shrug it off because you don't have money falling out your @$$hole.


If it makes you feel any better, when the XT6 people were at the Dragon last year and I was there in my Legacy, the FIRST car I checked out was your wagon :)

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Around here its just the opposite. There seem to be an unusual number of new gen people that do their own stuff. It still goes to the tuner after assembly for final tuning, but that takes a special skill set and equipment that most don't have.



There are only a few local NASIOC people that I see on a regular basis, but every single one of them asks about the wagon whenever I see them. I think a couple are as excited to see it done as I am.

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"What do YOU care what other people think?" (Title of a book by a Nobel Laureate in Physics)


"The girls go by, dressed up for each other." (Line from a Van Morrison song)


"You can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself." (Line form a Ricky Nelson song)


Pick one of the above or one of your own.


If you look for approval or affirmation form others, you are likely to be disappointed. Determine whose opinions are trustworthy and really matter to you, and take counsel from them. If you listen to everybody, then you will find that most people don't give a tinker's cuss about YOU or what you do; people who race have an ego, and that ego usually focuses their thoughts towards themselves. Shadow has no vested interest in beating you on the track (as far as I know), and his advice sounds pretty solid to me.




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beating someone in a car that costs less than half of what they paid for their car from the factory w/o mods, makes them look stupid in my eyes, you spend 21k on a wrx and throw 8k in mods into it and itll smoke an STI any day of the week, you throw a couple grand into an rx and whoop the crap outta wrx's any day of the week, and you still dont get street cred, even through you earned more than everyone else, sleepers are the next big thing, you watch, soon it will happen, as mass exodus out of the new and back into the old to lay down both rubber....and A$$ KICKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







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My car costs 1/8th of a new WRX as it sits now.


Its about a 50/50 rate of ppl around here to do their own work or just ahve someone else do it...then there are those who let someone else do it, but participate with the install or what not.


What got me worked up last night is a good friend of mine really degraded the car badly.

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Do you know how many WRX's I pass by every day? I dont even get a glance, they probably dont even know im in a Subaru.



Isnt it funny passing a really fast car on the highway in a lifted, slow Subaru? :lol:


Just the other day I drove the Poopenvagen to work. On the commute up HWY 77 I pass a rally blue WRX STi. I couldnt help but smile real big at him as I passed. :grin: He must have realized just how slow he was going at that moment 'cuz he tried to speed up and pass me. Too bad traffic was starting to pile up and he couldn't pass.

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What got me worked up last night is a good friend of mine really degraded the car badly.


I need to meet more of your friends. I LIVE for this stuff. :lol: Will, I used to be degraded in my Outback Sport and I even degraded it myself. Things just happened to enable it to get faster and faster. What fun that was.


This is the reason why I went to the older scoobies in the first place. To hear the laughs and ridicule. I'm working towards the day I can film my RX (or XT6s) whoop up on a WRX, EVO, STi, SRT4, Cobra (Take your pick) at the track and I have some videos up of it. I'm slowly working towards it. It should make for some good comedy relief. I can't wait! Hopefully it happens.


"Never look for respect. Let it come to you, then take it." Kevin Thomas (Myxalplyx)-USMB 2-11-05

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Great thread everyone. The sentiment reminds me of a Band of Brothers episode...


This also reminds me of my pre-monk days when I got back to Fairchild AFB in Spokane after a year up at Eielson AFB in Fairbanks and I bought a BRAND NEW (I had a pile of TDY $, travel pay) '92 Loyale wagon (the only new rig I have ever bought). Many of my fellow airmen were driving Mustangs and RX7's and Camaros, etc. and giving me crap about my "family wagon." But revenge is a dish best served cold and cold came in the form of good early winter snow dump. Our units dorms were behind a WSA (weapons storage area) and access to groceries and beer (on HWY 2) lay 8 miles down a slick 2 lane blacktop that had severe barrow ditches on either side. :grin:


So one particularly nasty Saturday afternoon the sportscar crowd made multiple attempts to navigate the road in various vehicles. The 5.0L mustang guy hit the ditch and tore up some of his ground effects (which out of kindness I helped him fix later on), one of the Z28's swiped a concrete barrier, there were multiple tales of wild spin outs and other folks couldn't even get out of our parking lot! I remember distinctly...I was just pulling in to the parking lot from a trip into Airway Heights (the local strip town) with a 6 pack of Negro Modello and several bags of Taco Hell (jeez..I am surprised I lived through all that) and several of them saw me emerge form my Sub with my booty and took a break from shoveling, digging, pushing, cursing etc. their cars... their mouths agape. Suddenly I was barraged with requests to take them on a food and beer run...and yeah...I broke down and helped them out...but only because it was so much fun to drive through the snow with a bunch (cause my wagon would hlod 4 of 'em) of newly humbled ego-bruised schmucks! But of course I required each one to refer to my ride as "the Sport Wagon." Never got any more crap form that crowd. Shortly after that we got another good dump and we tied long strips of nylon webbing from cargo chutes onto the rear tow hooks of the wagon and I would pull guys down the icy roads on cafeteria trays requisitioned from our mess hall...:lol: Saw a few more Subs on our side of the base in the following years...

Good times, good times.

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As an WRX owner who likes tweaking his old gen cars more than the new ones, I totally respect what you've been able to accomplish. ;)


If my fricken '04 WRX hadn't had to go back to the body shop again, I would be dropping cash in my turbo wagon this week to start bumping up it's performance numbers. :D

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Really the ricey crowd is sooooo sad, stupid, etc. ..... That it isn't worth messing with them.


My way to get them is to rev to 5,500 before I shift b/c Hondas/Toyotas don't like to go past 4,000 and really sound bad if you hit 5,000. I drive fast anyway, and the fact that I have outmanuevered many other cars (including ricey ones) in a totally stock 20 yr. old car says something. That has silenced many mouths, and the fact I know more about how their car works than they do - like the response - "Oh, so you actually change you own oil? I've never done that before."


Much of it is that "my mom/dad bought it so it is the fastest thing on four wheels" attitude. All one has to do is shrug it off and start pointing out the crappy handling on their car (most newer ones do have crappy handling), and all the money that they have wasted on something that looks like crap. If they belittle your car, feel free to do the same to theirs.


Realize that the EA82 cars came with a front spoiler that is 2x the size of the ricey aftermarket ones on newer cars, and ours is steel and bolted into the frame, so it actually does something. I love the feeling of going 65+ because you can feel it suck you down onto the road. Point that out. Point out how much is stock and how much you haven't done, and that you can still beat them. And if they don't acknowledge that, call them desperate or vain and leave it at that.


Ricey rides are not worth getting upset over. If nothing else, know that the person behind the wheel probably has the mechanical prowess of a walnut. That should give you ample satisfaction.


Oops, I think I just insulted walnuts :D


Anyway, you will always end up on top in rain, snow, sleet, ice, etc. etc. etc. Try running a Honda/Toyota through those conditions :lol:

I personally enjoy passing SUV's which spun out the most, and asking them if they need help - funny nobody takes me up on the offer!


About 5 years ago we got a 20+ inch snow in Raleigh overnight (we usually get 4 in max a year) which paralyzed everything. We ended up ferrying our neighbors to and from the grocery store!! Boy were they suprised!

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well think geting respect in a wagon is hard..

try doing it in a turbo minivan cause till i get the turbo wagon back online thats what i gotta roll around in in fact had a little match this morning on the way home from work

me turbo minivan

them ferd escort gt hp to weight on that is far better than my heavy van


45mph rolling start stayed even and let him pull ahead a tiny bit until about 65-70 and just put it on the floor goodby gt .. hit 85 ish and let off ...

and as usuall as i am slowing down to get back to the speedlimit he goes ripping past me like he never lost and keeps going for i am guessing about a mile past

i was very tempted to catch him and pass him again but figured why bother

btw is a 2 lane road both directions


so yeah pretty much regardless what you drive or how fast it is people always seem to think that their "namebrand" fast looking car is always gonna win

and almost will never admit or quit when they realize they where just a tad wrong and got whupped by something that cost less


oh and this is pretty much stock 5-7 psi cone air filter and a hks ssqv b.o.v

filter and bov are borrowed from the sleeping suby for now


You are pimpin' a turbo minivan?!!! That is freakin' awesome! I'm guessing a mid to late 80s turbo caravan? I wish I could find one locally. I'd buy it and mod it up in a heartbeat. That is the one thing that I'm known for here in town(at least by the people who know me and my friends), and that is modding vehicles that others think is a waste of time. I've done it 3 times already and I don't plan to stop any time soon.

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My car costs 1/8th of a new WRX as it sits now.


Its about a 50/50 rate of ppl around here to do their own work or just ahve someone else do it...then there are those who let someone else do it, but participate with the install or what not.


What got me worked up last night is a good friend of mine really degraded the car badly.


Well, I know one thing that friend would be a friend no longer. I can understand if a friend gives you a hard time about something, like cracking jokes, but if they step over that line that is when I take offense. I had a so-called friend do something similar to me a long time ago. Then when his car broke down, and he wanted to go cruise around with me, I told him,"No. You don't like this car remember." His reply was," I'm just joking with you come on." I replied," Well I'm not. And I guess since your car is broken and my car still running strong, then I guess we really know who owns the POS now don't we?!!" Then I drove off and enjoyed my night.


Point is, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

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You are pimpin' a turbo minivan?!!! That is freakin' awesome! I'm guessing a mid to late 80s turbo caravan?


Yeah, I like those alot as well. I really enjoyed seeing the videos of Gus Mahon (may he rest in peace) and other turbominivan owners tearing it up.


If you want advice on turboing that minivan and how to go about it, talk to...ready for this?.......'TurboMinivan' at NASIOC. He owns a Forester XT now also. I can't remember if he went any further with is mods on the XT but I remember sending him PM's about his turbo'd minivan a while back. L8Rs...

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These people dont want to give up the illusions that make them feel good about themselves. When they see a guy that does his work himself, goes faster, and spends way less money, they want to ignore it because the truth makes them look pathetic. Those that dont ignore it get jealous and mouth off your car or you personally. Just realize that its because they feel threatened. You build and drive your cars for enjoyment and personal satisfaction (as I do), and most of them drive wrx's for attention.

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Will, I hope you are noticing something. WE ARE ALL BEHIND YOU 100%!!! Don't feel down. We are all here for you. Pardon this expression, but if they want to start a war, take the war to their doorstep. Don't let their remarks, sneers, and disapproving looks get to you. You don't need their approval to do what you enjoy. Keep your head up and keep up the good work!!!




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Will, I hope you are noticing something. WE ARE ALL BEHIND YOU 100%!!!


Even the 'nay sayers' :drunk:


500hp? Naw... :lol: Really freak'n powerful RX? FOR SURE! Piloted by one hell of a driver? DEAD ON!


Keep the 'war' on the time sheets and print outs; where it counts !_!

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Will you're not molesting a tdo4 too are you? I'm working on fitting my tdo4 compressor into a good stock turbo I have. Got em both apart just have to remove a little bit more material in the stock intake snail shell. I don't have any #'s for my car but it's putting a good bit of power to the ground, course with 29" tires it not all that fast of the line, untill the boost hits:brow:.


I emberassed a friend in his 276 hp pathfinder the other night, it was soooo funny, me light wieght lifted ru him heavy expensive pathfinder, told me that he'd wait for me hahahaha. As soon as I left 1st gear which is quite tall now[23.4% taller] and dumped 2nd he was way back in my blind spot, after 2nd I slowed down for him caused I'd already made my point. My cars almost 20 years old tho and his pathfinder is brand new, my car $8,000cdn his $42,000 base msrp, even tho he loves my ru he'd much rather drive the nissan cause it's "sexy" and the girls love it's bling.

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i have had a turbo carivan, i have a 87 dodge shelby charger with the 2.5 from the 92 daytona r/t, backed by a 568 manual pushing a tdo3/04 hybrid, ************ loads of mods, 456 hp to the wheels, i think my impreza is pushing 150, my rx wagon 210, and the lifted wagon is about 70, the impreza and the lifted wagon are the most fun, horsepower doesnt matter, the shelby will do 10's, but is a *************** on the street, to much for daily driving, the shelby allways gets mistaken for a mustang, i hate fords, chevys, crap, mopar rules, and nobody notices my wagon even after i leave them in the dust, everybody sees the impreza but its set up for rally with fogs on the hood, and every body loves the lifted wagon, even my mom, i think its time for a boosted 2.5 rs project?????

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