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Holy Smoke! Loyale tranny toast.

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Hey all,


My 91 Loyale' transmission is slipping big time. In checking the level it was about 1qt low. I added stop leak and slip eliminator to no avail. It still spews tranny fluid and is slipping even worse than ever.

I can understand the trans slipping as the car has almost 200k. But whats up with the smoke? The fluid is accumulating on the passenger side cross member and dripping onto the exhaust manifold creating special effect caliber plumes.


Can I tighten the belts myself?






05 Outback XT

91 Loyale

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The passenger side crossmember is right next to two holes in the trans- the governor gear and the modulator valve.


You'd have to have some pretty massive transmission damage for the governor to be spewing fluid. But- when a modulator valve fails, it can release transmission fluid. Usually this fluid gets sucked into the engine via the modulator's vacuum line. If your modulator is bad AND your vacuum line has slipped off, this could explain the fluid coming out.


As for the slipping- a transmission is a hydraulic system. A massive fluid leak results in a loss of pressure, and a loss of pressure can cause slippage.

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You didn't mention if it was a 3-speed or a 4-speed auto tranny. The 3-speed (aka 3AT) is pretty much like Trogdor said. The 4-speed (aka 4EAT) is a different beast. With either, you may have a blown shaft seal causing the leak.


If it is a 3AT, again, follow Trogdor's advice and check the vacuum modulator and its hose. Our 3AT ruptured the diaphram on its vacuum modulator, sucked several quarts of ATF into the engine (prev owner), ran low on fluid and burned the fluid, and gummed up the governor valve.

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