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I have an '05 Forester 2.5X.

I frequently get an exhaust smell when I drive with the driver side window down about 1".

When I took it to the dealer to have an alarm installed ( bad move) I asked to have it checked. They said they checked it out, and all was "OK".

I got a story about exhaust being close to the ground during cold weather, and that's why I get the odor, they said.

I have been driving for a long, long, long, time, and have never experienced this before.

I do not experience this in my Ranger PU, which is my second vehicle.

The temps have ranged from 10, to 50 F, so as far as I'm concerned, thats not a reasonable explanation!!

Anyone have a similar experience?





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Does it smell inside only with the driver's window down? It's possible the smell is coming in the front vents? If you open any window and "depressurize" the cabin, the air volume coming in the vents increases, so you might be picking up a smell from the engine compartment. Check all hose connections under the hood. I had an oil change done at the dealer and could smell exaust everytime I turned on the vent fan. I stopped by 2 days later to have it checked and they found a disconnected hose (I should have asked which one) that got bumped or disconnected while being seviced. The smell disappeared after it was reconnected.


BTW-I didn't smell it as much when I hit the recirculator button.

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Probably I will not provide any usefull insides but....

It is cold now so I need to warm up my old lady before driving it away. When it is warming up, smell of exhaust is really not that pleasant one and it really surrounds the car if there is no wind, that is why I usually place my AC on inside circulation to don't grab any exhaust from outside.


In your case, indeed, I would check all the hoses under the hood,

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