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Tears came to my eyes this morning....


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I awoke this morning at 4.30 am, to go to an autocross 3 hours away..."I cant believe I am going to go do this....." I was thinking..


I get up to check USMB, AIM, email, NASIOC...


Laura, our very own maximumBRAT has had a TERRIBLE loss.....


she AIM'ed me this sometime while I was a sleep...






Now I will be driving with 10000% awareness as I make my way from Asheville to Greensboro this early early hour.


Laura, we all feel your loss....I know how much you love that BRAT and how much work you put into it. ALL of USMB stands with you!

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That is brutal... I hope she is alright...


that is one of my worst nightmares... espectially since i have only gone 30 miles on it in like a year and bit...(besides the point)


I hope that brat has given her some good memories...


and thank god knowbody was in the passenger seat when that happened...


WJM is right, "ALL of USMB stands with you!" incuding all the people up north...

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I hope that she is alright since the damage seems very extensive.


To Laura:


May GOD be with you in your time of need. Although I don't personally know you, I will keep you in my prayers always. I pray that any injuries that you may have sustained, will heal quickly and that you will make a full recovery. I also pray that GOD may keep you in his ever loving hands forever. I ask this in Jesus's name, Amen.


My deepest regards,



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"There but for the grace..."


This is especially poignant for me, since just last week I was talking with a lady from MADD who had brought an accident demo to the school. The car on the trailer was a newer Honda that had gotten center-punched just like Laura's Brat, but the Honda had gotten it in the driver's door. Three souls in the car, only the front passenger survived. The damage to the impact area looks as same as could be, almost a perfect imprint of the striking car's front end.


I am amazed that anyone could come out of that kind of accident and still be able to IM someone.


Laura, I hope that you are reasonably OK, and that if not that you get better soon. Follow the doctor's advice, as some of the damage might take a day or two to start hurting and might take along time to get rid of totally.


And what a horrible thing to happen to what looked like a beautiful vehicle.


Take care, and get well.



P.S. - Thanks, WJM.

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Gosh, I'm so glad she is OK. The BRAT can be replaced , she cannot!


That impact looks like alot of speed was involved.....I hope the other driver was OK too.


At any rate, she can salvage alot of parts. If she want's to look at another gen 1, I'm close in TX and may have some options for her.



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I got a message from laura as well. I assume she is okay since she was able to type. her message said nobody was hurt, and she would be posting pictures. I havent seen her online since, but now that I see the images im awe-struck.


Laura, you are lucky to have survived that... and thank god nobody was a passenger at the time.


Knowing how much work went into that brat only makes it worse :( But there are plenty more brats.



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