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ea82t dizzy swap

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Are we talking SFPI Disty or carbed EA82 Disty? I know for a fact(cause I have one) that a SFPI disty will work in place of the OEM EA82T's disty. I would assume that a carbed EA82 disty would work as well, I'm just not sure how the vacuum advance would affect operation.

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Early (85-86) turbo - must be turbo disty from same era

Late (87 - later) turbo - can be SPFI CAS or other FI car of that era

no carb disty w/ turbo motor -

they are completely difft units, electrically speaking


If you want a simple dity with a fuel injection system other than the factory one, with no knock control, yes an EA-82 carb one will work.


The wiring harness for EA82T soobs is not hard to work with -

so I don't see why you should not want to keep it original

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