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finally!! pics of my 99' OB wagon..

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yeah engine is in my garage taken apart, tony i didnt get the heads off last night but ill give it another shot tonight, i pulled 12 hours to finish that white 3door and was to tired to do anything more than go to rachels and crash, sorry mate, she has pool tonight so ill get em off tonight, cheers

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alright, no biggy.. i got my parts list from Hollis at Browns faxed over this morning.


for every gasket on that motor basically is gonan run me about $450, that includes the water pump, exhaust gaskets, and the oil pump seals..

also heater hoses, coolant hoses, etc..


but i wanna make sure the heads are good before i go ordering all this stuff.. most of it was in stock except for the raidator and heater hoses, and knocksensor..

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