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Ultimate Subaru Message Board

Put my hood splitter on today!

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This past week, I purchased a hood scoop splitter on eBay from a guy with the screen name Subie2002WRX. It was very easy to install and the thing works great. It is cheaper than going out and purchasing one from a big name company and the cool thing is, it works just as well for close to a third of the cost($32 incl. shipping; I'm off by like $8 on the ratio). I thought it was a good deal considering the others that I found cost in the ballpark of $120. I know that many of you are purchasing front mount intercoolers, but this is a good mod for those with stock setups. It deflects airflow across the front half of the intercooler, thus further enhancing the cooling capabilities of the OEM top mount IC. Just thought I would let those who are still running TMICs and wanted to purchase this mod cheaply.

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