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What Subaru to get?

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At the very least a GL - DL's are good, but skimpy on the interrior.

Make sure it is fuel injection - hitachi carbs are a pain in the rump to deal with

a D/R 4WD tranny is also something to look for - the gear reduction is most desierable

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my .02, but your not gonna run 14's with only 2000 dollars, maybe once, but not reliably. unless you are talking about the pug rims, then no problems, should be easy. i hate to say it, but start with somthing that actually has power, you can crank out serious numbers like WJM, but you'll spend a pretty penny.

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i hate to say it, but start with somthing that actually has power, you can crank out serious numbers like WJM, but you'll spend a pretty penny.

I agree -

you will either have to swap the tranny with a turbo car to get the needed gear reduction, or you will have to put a turbo in a N/A car to get the power

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rxs and xts are almost the same drivetrainwise, but xts are a little heavier and dont have the stiffer springs/shocks that the RX has. RX is probably the best, with the xt turbo next and then the turbo wagon. Post 87 turbo subes have a boost cut that is really tough to get around so if you want to mod a turbo get a pre 87.

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rxs and xts are almost the same drivetrainwise, but xts are a little heavier and dont have the stiffer springs/shocks that the RX has. RX is probably the best, with the xt turbo next and then the turbo wagon. Post 87 turbo subes have a boost cut that is really tough to get around so if you want to mod a turbo get a pre 87.


The boost cut can't be circumvented by an FCD? Bummer.


The other option is a Legacy SS, but if he invested that much money in a car, I think he'd like to keep it longer than just the summer. Plus, mods to an SS are limited by the injectors, and if we're screwing around with what will be both our first turbo cars... I'd rather blow a cheap one up. :D


No love for the XT6? The ER27 seems like a solid platform. I've been very impressed by SVXs with light mods, and I know the XT is much lighter.

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