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My instrument panel doesn't light up


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First of all I would like to say hi to all my fellow subaru lovers out there . Ok now down to one question I have. I have an 85' GL wagon D/R 5 speed and when I first got it i noticed that my instrument panel lights don't illuminate. so i need help with this should i check the dimmer switch? Pull my dash appart to check the bulbs or what?! i have to drive with a little flashlight on my speedometer at night and it's not cool. by the way i also checked every single fuse and they're okay.

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I would check the dimmer control with a test light to see if that is working ok first. If that is good then check the lights. I doubt that all of them are out so it may be the wire to them has a problem.
to my luck thy're all burned out.
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If you haven't done so already, check your fuses. I was playing around with the wiring one day and blew one. I didn't know that I had and was driving with the ceiling light for a week.


Of course, you might be out of luck and your problem is more severe, but it could also be as easy as replacing a fuse :-)

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All of them? It's hard to beleive they all went out at once, it's prolly wiring, or the dimmer.


The last time my instrument lights went out, I gave the dash a good open handed whack and they came back on!

Well i tried that and nothing happend i was so pissed that i almost grabbed a bat and hit it with it. but then i remembered that i have to be gentle with my suby
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