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you wont see any hp/tq gain, or spool time in a turbo, all it does is add more alochol to the mix in your gas tank, and too much is bad, there is a reason that there is only a certain amount of alochol in your gas.


also octane boosters because its adding more alochol will eat up your oxygen sensors, and your cats.


if you going to put anything in any system in your car to clean it out, the best is sea-foam, i have no affiliations with them but its a proven fact to clean out your systems the best, also NEVER use Restore, metal flakes in the oil is bad, so why would you add more into your egine?

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Thanks for the quick reply The Scooby.


I think I will heed your advice since the gas here already has methonal in it.

I think I will just suck it up and buy some 100 unleaded race gas and add a gallon or two to each tank. The race gas is denser and it is not oxyegenated nor does it contain any alcohal. But it costs $7.40 a gallon! Ouch. Greg.


Also to answer your question. I am running the boost at 14-15psi. But I have run it at short bursts up to 20psi. But since the gas is weak the knock sensor will usually cut the engine out after about 15psi. Cause octaine is too low.

the race gas helps this though. And the spool up and power are better. But I can't buy a full tank of race gas all the time. Greg...

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