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Turbo Question...

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Hi, I have an extra turbo from an EA82T so I think it's an IHI VF7 if I recall correctly. It looks like it was blowing oil everywhere (never had it in a car), as the wastegate actuator digaphram was filled with oil, and there was oil everywhere in the output side. I pulled it apart just for the heck of it, and haven't pulled the actual shaft out yet because I don't have a torx bit that small, but It looks like it's just a oil seal somewhere or the output impeller isn't sealing against the oil pickup quite right......am I going to knock it out of whack just replacing 1 oil seal or the output impeller, or will just taking the shaft out knock it out?


And NO this is not the turbo in the wagon I am selling!!! The one that's in there works fine!






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Rotating components eh? *cough* like the output impeller? oops! Well I am gonna need to tear it down anyway, so I guess I'll have to get it re-balanced when I am done. I'll have to price it out and see if it's easier to get a whole other turbo.






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