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xt mac daddy mod help

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i was thinking about the lights on a xt how they retract. and how cool it would look if they winked on say a date? then i thought a little more, what if i had a way to get both lights up, then get one to drop and have like a cat call sound all at the same time.


or maybe have a remote from like a car alarm to activate the lights from the out side with the engine turned off and have it wink and whistle. what wouls it take to have my xt able to do this?

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You would have to find the electirc moter that opens and closes the headlights then find which wire which has 12v running thru it when there opening. Cut this wire and solder some twin core cable up to each end then run this cable up to the console and solder on a switch. Only do it one side tho :rolleyes: . Turn this switch off before you turn on your light and it should wink. I believe there should be 3 wires running to the motor one for up, one for down and a neutral. Just a guess tho

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