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Turbos Turbos Turbos

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Sooo, about turbos :D


On my way to acquiring an older turbo'ed Sube and was wondering if I could get some info out of you modding cracks. I hear a lot about people slapping WRX turbos onto their EA82s and rumors about other people doing the same with Volvo and other manufacturer's units. So whats all that about, how hard is it to upgrade to a cooler turbo, how can I tune my existing one to achieve more of this so-called boost everyone is talking about :cool: and how does one make sure that overpressure doesnt occur and disintegrate the engine?

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well first off different turbos will put out differents amount of air at the same psi...


popular turbo swaps for the EA82 are the VF11 ( stock usdm leagacy turbo) and the TD04 ( stock usdm 02-05 wrx turbo)


the vf11 will bolt to a stock EA82 up-pipe, you will need a new downpipe however, any any td04 wrx DP will work..you will need to modifiy the oil and/or coolant lines and intake pipes.i do not have "details" as i have not startd my swap yet..


the TD04 will need to have its flange welded to your up-pipe and will need a wrx downpipe...lines will need to be slightly modified and new air pipes made..


hope that helps

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The TD04 does require some modifications to the uppipe. However, the easiest way but not the cheapest, is to get a TWE header for the EA82. It has the mounting points for the TD04 so its a bolt on procedure. However, the other way its been done has been to mod the stock EA82 uppipe. There are 3 studs that bolt the bottom of the turbo to the uppipe. Two of these studs bolt directly onto the TD04. The 3rd one needs to me moved back about 1/2"-3/4" or so. I basically pulled the stud out, cut it in half, and put the turbo on then welded the stud to the uppipe. Was pretty easy and was the cheapest way to go (free). Once I get my TD04 turbo swap done, I'll be doing a nice detailed write-up plus pics for the USRM...

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Get rid of your cats[u can use 1 large performance cat] and use a larger DP + exhaust this'll free up just a wee bit more than 2-3 hp [like 20 hp] and the throtle response will be unreal. A good filter with a cold air intake or chopped out air box helps plenty too. If you have some dollars you could go with a different turbo but unless you do it properly it's a waste of money and time IMO.

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What down pipe do you recommend for an EA82T? I've been quoted $199US for a DP from Techworks...



  Vanislru said:
Get rid of your cats[u can use 1 large performance cat] and use a larger DP + exhaust this'll free up just a wee bit more than 2-3 hp [like 20 hp] and the throtle response will be unreal. A good filter with a cold air intake or chopped out air box helps plenty too. If you have some dollars you could go with a different turbo but unless you do it properly it's a waste of money and time IMO.
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there are actualy some other options too. not knocking TWE at all just want to put the info out there.


had a down pipe made by them. real high quality espiaclly in fit and finish. traded it to XSNRG as I no longer run the stock turbo. I do recomend The WRX(TD04) turbo swap as it will eliminate boost creep caused but the small waste gate on the stock unit when flow is increased thru the motor. it also has the ability to perfom better under hard use than the stock unit.

It is a bit of work and fabrication to swap it.

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  WJM said:
subspeed does NOT make them anymore. Read all the text carefully and you will see why.


ok I read it. looks like he might make more in the future but I would not bank on it. thanks for the correction Will. I just assumed He was still making them. sucks as they were good units.

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Yeah.....direct for for sure...but the TWEs are better, and can be swapped out for 'shorty' new style IHI DP's when you throw a TD04 or better on there, and not have to redo the entire DP back exhaust.

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OK, so to get this straight I can bolt on a TWE down pipe to my stock IHI turbo, without further modifications to exhaust? And then after any TD04 swap, I can use the matching WRX DP, again with my stock exhaust?


Also, I've heard it's good to just redo everything back of the DP, to install free-flow performance cat, etc. for the EA82T. What's your advice there? how much should I pay at a muffler shop? is this something a shadetree mechanic should attempt with the help of a buddy who knows how to weld?



  WJM said:
Yeah.....direct for for sure...but the TWEs are better, and can be swapped out for 'shorty' new style IHI DP's when you throw a TD04 or better on there, and not have to redo the entire DP back exhaust.
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I dont think there are any other turbos that are a direct bolt on...other then an EA82 turbo....


BUT...i have seen some EARLY (89~94) JDM turbo EJ engines that had a 4 bolt exh housing.....it may be possible that those are nearly direct fit...they also had the 90* inlet on the compressor housing.

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Can the difference be translated into a direct horsepower or cubic feet per minute value? I'm wondering if the difference in turbos is noticeable, and if it is, how do you know if the engine can handle it? Just by boost values? (I've heard 11 psi is pushing it)

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161 HP/205 TQ to the ground (230/295 at the crank)


Thats right. 161 HP to the GROUND....205 TQ to the GROUND.


That translates into 230 HP at the CRANK....295 TQ at the CRANK...these cars have a 30% driveline loss.


so, thats 161/0.7=230....and 205/0.7=292.857 (i rounded to 295 :-p )

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Good save, by editing your signature will :)


I have a friend with a VF11 for sale. If it wasnt good, i was going to have it rebuilt. I figure its got to be better than the EA82 turbo and I dont want something as big as the TD04.


Maybe i'll try to find a good EA82 turbo just to keep things simple.



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