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Advantage of EA82 manifold on EA81 engine?

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I am going to put a weber 32/36 DGAV carb on my EA81 engine. It seems like I saw a post a while back about EA82 manifolds being bolt-on compatible with EA81 engines, and that there was some advantage to swapping. I searched for the thread, but didn't recognize it anymore. Can anyone point me to that discussion or tell me if there is a reason to use the EA82 manifold? Also, if I used a DGV carb with manual choke, is that better than automatic choke?

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I've seen both up close and personal; seperated from the engine. The bore on the base plate where the carb sits on the EA82 intake manifold is larger. The bore of the whole intake manifold from baseplate to where the intake runners meet the heads is larger.


Yes its an upgrade but all by itself don't expect huge gains :)


Also note the EA82 SPFI intake manifold is slightly different than the EA82 carb intake manifold. The baseplate on the SPFI intake mani is slanted back toward the fire wall. The baseplate on the carb intake mani is level so your float bowl isnt at an angle. So the adapter plate for a weber wont compensate for that angle on an SPFI intake manifold.

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Link to my post on doing this swap.


Problem noted there-in with disty wires is 'cause I have the straight boots vs the angled boots for where the wires fit the disty cap. Thinking the angled boots will work better.


She's running good now, still have issues with choke setting, but it's more due to ambient temp than anything else.


Back when I 1st bought the Weber, it was for the EA-82 engine that was in my '82 BRAT. When I installed the carb, I got out the grinder bits and blended all of the adapters to more closely match the manifold port. You may/may not, want to do that, regardless of what carb you use.

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