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HELP! Crank Sensor Issue 94 Legacy

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I bought a car out in Long Island that was believed to a have a bad crank sensor. I called to subaru Dealerships to verify the Crank Sensor from my 90 Legacy L would fit into the newer 94 Legacy.


I flew a friend from here in Wyoming to La Gaurdia and he soon thereafter arrived at the location of the 94 Subaru Legacy LS. The seller of the car and my buddy attempted to take out the "bad" Crank Sensor and replace it. Apparently the Sensor would not come loose. The seller of the Car took a Drill a began to drill out the old crank sensor. I guess it was a huge drill and bit. Once he got it out the Crank Sensor I had sent would not fit. It was to big. My friend believes that this guy drilled to far beyond the Crank Sensor and into "whatever is below the Sensor" Does anyone know here what would be below the Crank Sensor and if a Engine could be ruined from such a manuver. We are in a pretty tight spot right now. Also does anyone know if the Sensors are different for the 90 Legacy L and the 94 Legacy LS? I mean they said the one from my 90 was notably larger. But even yet, say it was the wrong one. If that is the case, say I get the right sensor first thing in the morning-" Do you think the car may be ruined? from the drilling?


This is time sensitve so I will be happy to taker anyones ideas on this one- even if they are just guesses. Thanks, Gabe

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Sensor is the same.


If he drilled too far, he could have damaged the crank gear. It can be replaced, but you have to take the timing belt covers & belt off.


Here's some pics to show what I'm talking about



Josh thanks for the response. Your pic from a couple of weeks back is how I was able to pull the sensor with such ease. So I might have the car towed to a Subaru Shop in the Morning, but I am starting to get low on funds. Do you think the sensoe is different for the 90 vs. the 94? Thanks

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Josh thanks for the response. Your pic from a couple of weeks back is how I was able to pull the sensor with such ease. So I might have the car towed to a Subaru Shop in the Morning, but I am starting to get low on funds. Do you think the sensoe is different for the 90 vs. the 94? Thanks

1stSubaruParts lists the same crank sensor for 90-94.

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Thanks again. I knew it was the right sensor. I dont know why it wouldnt fit. Does any have a theory about why it wouldn't fit?


Is it possible that your buddy and the seller are confusing the crankshaft position sensor with the camshaft position sensor?

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I have asked them and they believe it is the right one but I cant see for myself. Is there anyone in long Island that wants to make a cuople of hundred bucks driving to woodbury and putting in this sensor? Thanks


The crank sensor is smack in the middle of the engine, just behind the crank shaft pulley (the pulley that drives the alternator, poser steering and A C belts). Are you sure the part came from that location on YOUR engine, and that they are trying to istall it at this same place on the 94? Who took the crank sensor off the 90 engine?

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Yes I have confirmed that it was the crank sensor. Smack in the middle below the Alternator. I had the car towed over to Metric Subaru in Long Island. The sad thing there is the mechanic there said that if my guys couldnt get the sensor to fit then he wouldnt be able to. I did talk with Greg from Strictly Auto down in Denver who agreed with my theory that the outer shell from the Old Sensor. So I hope that Metric Subaru will have mercy and help me solve this this for a reasonable price. Thanks to everyone who posted.

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Okay , the car is running. I had it towed over to Metric Subaru in long Island and they are claiming that it was indeed the wrong sensor. They put one in and it would not start becasue the Drill had damaged the Cog in the Crank Case Like Josh ( I think it was Josh?) said would happen if he drilled in there. They manage to weld that and get the car going. So thanks tro all for troubleshooting. A am a little perplexed now becasue 10 Sources in addition to everyone on this board have all said it is the same sensor for all 90-94. Now I have Metric Suabru telling me that it isnt so. I will find out once the gets back here what is the truth about this sensor. Thanks again. I am starting a new post on this car called Air Shocks and Gas Gauge on 94 Legacy Wagon LS.

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post the part # when you find it out.


More then likely the sensor they tried to get in was the wrong sensor.


I will try to get the part number but I dont think I will be able t. The Sensor was from my 90 Legacy L Wagon AWD, and every source I checked said it was the same part number for the 90 L and the 94 LS. So I am not sure where things went awry. The Subaru Dealership did not honor my request to give the old sensor back to my buddy. ( not surprised )

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