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95 2.2l legacy sedan making high pitched whistling noise

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at higher rpm's, 3000+ especially when giving it gas



the noise sort of changes as the revs move even higher..


its kind of annoying but some people tell me it sounds like a turbo...its kind of annoying to me i dont know what it is



also ive noticed my friends 99 legacy l wagon started making a smiliar but very faint noise like it





also a part of my clutch makes a squeaking sound which goes away if the clutch is in the slightest bit, and it gets faster as the revs go up...but im pretty sure for that i just need to tighten something..


i have no idea what the parts are but the foremost part of the clutch you can see ...its not even the clutch just connected..its a black metal casing where the hill helper brake connects..its what makes the noise..it moves around and if i hold it in place the noise stops..also i disconnected the hill helper if that makes a difference]




any help is appreciated...thanks

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Sounds like a hole or crack in some part of the intake system perhaps. Maybe a cracked intake hose or an improperly sealed airbox. Worse case perhaps a deteriorated gasket or even cracked intake manifold. Get under the hood and pull the throttle cable and listen to where it seems to come from. Once you've nailed down the general area, perhaps some kind of coloured smoke could show where it is specifically. Just a thought.




at higher rpm's, 3000+ especially when giving it gas



the noise sort of changes as the revs move even higher..


its kind of annoying but some people tell me it sounds like a turbo...its kind of annoying to me i dont know what it is



also ive noticed my friends 99 legacy l wagon started making a smiliar but very faint noise like it





also a part of my clutch makes a squeaking sound which goes away if the clutch is in the slightest bit, and it gets faster as the revs go up...but im pretty sure for that i just need to tighten something..


i have no idea what the parts are but the foremost part of the clutch you can see ...its not even the clutch just connected..its a black metal casing where the hill helper brake connects..its what makes the noise..it moves around and if i hold it in place the noise stops..also i disconnected the hill helper if that makes a difference]




any help is appreciated...thanks

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I would start by opening the hood and listening to the motor while revving it to the appropriate RPMs.


I've heard a lot of alternators make that sound.


An easy way to narrow it down is to remove the accessory belt(s) and then run it again. If the noise goes away it's PS pump, alternator, AC compressor. If it doesn't go away, take a piece of fuel line and put it up to your ear. Rev the motor and move the other end of the hose around listening to different places on the front of the motor.

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Does it go away if you tap the brake?

Mine has a high pitched alarm like noise in cabin occasionally,when I tap the brake it seems to dissapear,no expert can diagnose the problem as its a random thing.


Try tightening up the slack on the clutch cable,mine does the same thing from time to time,my thrust bearing is also sounding like its on its last legs as well.

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I think we have the same problem chum. My 91 Legacy makes that loud whining noise too. Your best bet is to drive under a bridge or beside a wall or sumthin to hear where its coming from. Odds are you have the same problem as me so it should be coming from under the middle/front of your car. I was told by a couple of mechanics that its a particular bearing in the tranny. It doesnt mean your trannys shot just yet but that noise wont be going away anytime soon. With mine the noise just gets higher and higher pitched the faster i go. I find its best driving longer drives at 130 kph. The noise gets to such a high pitch my ears cant really hear it above the stereo which brings to mind another tip. My tranny feels good still and Im not about to take the whole tranny out just yet so I invested in a nice sound system to drown out the noise??? Just throwin you a bone is all... Hope This helps....



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What condition is the muffler/exhaust in?


I had a whistle, which I swore was coming from the engine. I was in the car revving, and had someone stand outside to listen where it was coming from, and sure enough it was the muffler.

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i should have mentioned this...i think its only when the car is moving...


ill go check in 2 mins



so it might be the tranny problem, is there a quick fix?




and also about tightening the clutch cable..how would you go about this?


i tried turning either of the 2 closest nuts on the threded bar, but they seem to go back, like theres a spring holding them from turning either way



and the noise is ONLY when the rpms are high...or if im giving it gas...


i could be cruising at the governor and i wouldnt hear it...


it seems to be in lower gears when giving it gas at 3000+ rpms

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i doubt that would help...


it doesnt come at all, you cant hear it at all unless im at atleast 3000 rpms...


and usually only when its accelerating


if i let off the gas and cruise it goes away..even if i stay at high rpms (i think it does...i dont usually cruise around at 4000 rpms)



i could try and record it..


its a very very high pitched squealing noise...sounds like a mixture of a sports whistle and a tea kettle...allthough i think its even high pitched then that

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My 01 Impreza OBS 87k has the exact same thing you are talking about, high pitched sound when accelarating hard over 3000 RPM. I can cruse at 3,500 no problem, but floor it and the sound is there. I haven't been able to figure it out but I have figured its part of the clutch and i figure with the ammount I drive and the places I drive I'll probably be putting a new clutch in within the next year.

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