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Q's rear wheel bearing '90 Brat

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How do I know if a rear wheel bearing is shot/worn out?


Is it supposed to be as tight as a front wheel bearing (i.e. no play up/down or side to side whatsoever)?


When I jack up the vehicle and jiggle the wheel I feel play... The play is also present when jiggeling the drum with the wheel off.

If I use force with my hands and the car is on it's wheels on the ground there is also some play.


The 36mm centre nut is firmly tighted.


Any comments welcome


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The rear should have some play, but probably not as much as it sounds like you have. You shouldn't be able to feen the play with the wheel off. There is an inside ring nut on the inner side of the bearing housing that you can adjust the bearing pre load with. If the bearing is not noisy, this is probably all that needs done.

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The rear should have some play, but probably not as much as it sounds like you have. You shouldn't be able to feen the play with the wheel off. There is an inside ring nut on the inner side of the bearing housing that you can adjust the bearing pre load with. If the bearing is not noisy, this is probably all that needs done.


Thank you very much!


I will see to it as soon as possible!



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