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a wagon wheel of a different color

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the previous owner of my car painted the wagon wheels flat black :banghead: and I knew I had to repaint them......



White is not my color, so I didn't want to put them back to 'original'. So, this is my upadated version of the wagon wheel. I think they turned out pretty good!


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Thanks guys!


I have to give the credit for the color choice to my hubby. He had this color sceme on some fancy *expensive* aluminum wheels he had on a Covair we used to have (dang do we miss that car!). I was just going to paint them gloss black, but he insisted on the aluminum color edges.


Sanding/Painting them was a PIA - I sure hope the paint lasts. I used paint-on gloss enamel (the black goes on so thick it almost looks powder coated!), so hopefully it will last :)

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It would look realy good with the SS center cap.


An SS center cap? What do those look like? I've ordered some stock caps from someone on the board here (and they should be here today/tomorrow), I would love other options - but was told at the wheel/tire store that stock was my only option?

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I've ordered some stock caps from someone on the board here (and they should be here today/tomorrow),
That's what I was talking about (stainless steel). But for something a little different, the center caps from a Mazda pickup truck, spoke style steel wheel will fit. If you want to see one, I'll shoot a pic. tomarrow.


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