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95 subaru legacy l adjusting the clutch tension?

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I'm no expert either, but I'm the best to respond so far! With help from this board I found my clutch cable at the rear of the engine, top of the tranny. On mine it's under an air box just in front of the firewall. Loosening a few hoses allowed me to lift the air box. The cable has two nuts on it, tightened against each other so they don't move. Loosening them and screwing them aft tightened the cable, the clutch engaged with the pedal higher, which is what I needed. My owner's manual has a diagram of how much slack should be in the pedal, that didn't seem useful to me. The spring on the clutch pedal is much stronger than the spring on the clutch cable, so I couldn't get noticeable slack by loosening the clutch cable. Hope that helped.

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my clutch isnt under any box or anything..its wide in the open..



but its very loose and rattles around and makes a squeaky noise..so im hoping tightening it is gonna stop that..


i did notice nuts over the big bolt were together...but it seemed to me they were springloaded to keep from twisting any way

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Sorry, it sounds like I didn't interpret your question very well. On forums like this you usually get more responses, and more useful information, if you thoroughly explain the problem and what model, year, engine, etc. It sounds like maybe you have the tranny from your legacy apart? Something to adjust in there? Do you have a repair manual?

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its a 95 legacy l sedan 2.2l 5-speed


it has nothing to do with the pedal..


theres a part of the clutch somewhere where the hill holder brake line connects to.. well that peice that is held onto a bolt by 2 nuts moves/wobbles around and squeaks when it does..and the frequency of the squeaks go up as the revs go up..


now when im driving if i put the clutch in even a milimeter the squeak goes away..im assuming because the cable puts tension on that peice to keep it from wobbling..


what im wondering is if i can change the tension of the clutch cable so with the clutch out all the way, it will be like right now me having my foot on the clutch just a little bit..


i hope that makes some more sense




i am getting a new clutch right now...but im just owndering if theres a quick fix in the meantime to get rid of the squeak noises

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Bullet, are you trying to adjust the hillholder cable (the bottom of the two cables on the clutch fork), or the clutch actuator cable (the top one)? If you are adjusting the top one, a 10mm and a 12mm box or combination wrench are needed (one of each size). YOu hold the larger (12mm) nut while you back off the 10mm so that both will turn. Now, while pulling the clutch fork back toward the firewall, pull out the cable to see how much free play there is. there should be 1/4" to 3/8" that you can pull away from the fork. Adjust accordingly. Next, while holding the 12MM nut in place, tighten the 10mm nut against it to lock it in place.


If you are needing to adjust the hillholder cable, you need a 14mm, an 8mm, and a hill to be pointed up. . .

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so i shouldnt do that?


i have the hill holder disconnected..i was just using it to show where i was talking about...so i guess its called the clutch fork then...


thats the peice that with the clutch out all the way it wobbles around..and when it does it squeaks which is really annoying...is there anyway to get rid of this....


it goes away seriously if you push the clutch in 1 milimeter..

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