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It won't start

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check the connections on the battery - make sure you are getting good contact. See if the lights work, or the wipers - that will tell you if battery is dead or not. Just because it's a new battery, doesn't mean that is not part of the problem. If the battery is dead, first suspect would be the alternator.....

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Everything like the radio, and lights work. Usually if the radio or lights, or ac are on it does this. As soon as I turn everything off, it starts. Sometimes it takes a while. I dont know why it does that







check the connections on the battery - make sure you are getting good contact. See if the lights work, or the wipers - that will tell you if battery is dead or not. Just because it's a new battery, doesn't mean that is not part of the problem. If the battery is dead, first suspect would be the alternator.....
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i have a 91 loyale with the same problem (turn the key click click click)...sometimes mine would start if you just held the key in the start position for about 30 or more seconds, but not always...but i never figured it out because i'm lazy and figured out a way to work around it. i just put in a starter button in one of the unused switch panels to the left of the steering wheel. it works fine after that. just turn it "on" with the key, push the button...starts every time. make sure to use a fuse in the wiring so you don't start a fire though. 'cause that would suck.

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This is a common problem normally associated with one of two items.


Please read the following closely


The first is the contacts in the ignition switch itself


The second is the contacts in the starter solenoid located in the starter


A simple test.


Take a piece of wire and connect the positive battery post

to the small spade connector on the back of the starter.


You must remove the factory spade connection on the starter first.


If the starter cranks the engine - the problem is the

ignition switch which is the easier of the two problems to rectify.


IF you get this far, please post so and the solutions will be for coming..

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Sounds like a bad conection to me, I don't know how many of my cars did that same thing: click,click, etc. The clicking is because it's not getting enough juice to turn it over. In my cars the other electrical accessories worked just fine because they didn't draw as many amps. For me it was always a bad electrical connection, usually a battery cable or even a loose engine ground. I found that putting dielectric grease on everything and I mean EVERYTHING electrical usually fixed it.

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Hi there,


This is my first reply to this board, so I hope I don't state the obvious or something you've already tried. This board is great, so loaded with great info. I've owned 6 Subbies so far. Currently, a '91 Loyale w/5spd and '92 Loyale w/AT.


Your problem sounds like battery terminals to me. Take them off and clean them, then reinstall and use a sealer or just some lithium grease. I bet that cures your grief.


This happens a lot, especially in humid areas or at times (like spring) when there is heavy dew. Your old battery terminals and the clamps had good tight connection and were somewhat sealed. But, if you take a close look anytime you disconnect a battery, you'll find a small amount of corrosion because you can't make the connections air/water tight. So, a small amount of moisture gets anywhere there is an airgap and over time causes corrosion where the tiny gap allows. The pattern on the clamp matches the terminal and gives you sufficient contact. Now, you've taken a new battery that doesn't match that pattern. Even when you clean them both, you still have two rough surfaces trying to mate together. So, after a week or two, sometimes less, you have corrosion in the connection. All the low amperage accessories will still get plenty of juice for there needs, but the heavy draw of the starter is to much for the small surface areas that are left in contact. So, you get the "clik, clik, clik" of the solenoid because it can't get enough juice to fully engage or you get nothing at all. That's my .02.


Have a great weekend, Stretch

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everyone else is talking about the starter solenoid clicking but if you're talking about the same problem i had, its not the starter solenoid..the clicking sound comes from under the dash, just below and to the left of the radio, not under the hood. it was an intermittent problem that i thought i fixed several times. it would only seem to occur if i was running late for work or something.. then i put a starter button in and no problems after that.

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