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Won't Run

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Got a question hopefully someone maybe able to help me with. Nephews, 91 Loyale, quit running the other day on his way home. So today, my brother and I proceded to try to figure out what it is. No luck, has spark, tps checks out ok, timing belt looks good, and it is getting gas. Seems to be dumping in a lot of gas but it is getting gas. Went through the haynes manual and did everything, they had, with no luck. It will turn over, but will not fire, seems like maybe timing but, tried to get it to fire by turning distributor while cranking but nothing.


Anyone, have any ideas?



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It's possible that the Driverside Timing belt has jumped. Follow the steps in the Haynes manual for doing the T-belts to check this. The instructions there are good, but slightly mis-leading as it shows both cam marks at the top, when actually one side will be up, the other side will be down. Doesn't really matter which one is up, as long as other side is down, when you have the crank lined up with the T-belt timing indicator lines.

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Thanks for the replys, Tom you had it right. We got the driverside cover off, and the timing mark on the cam was about 90 degrees off. The belt was chewed up, and loose so, we pulled it off, set the cam right, and it started. Got new belts and changed them both.


Thanks very much for the quick reponses, you guys are great.

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