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has anyone ever tried to fix headgasket with a product called steel seal some kind of chemical is poured into rad. and when it finds a leak bonds into crack of headgasket thinking about trying it any thoughts

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Agree on the head gasket.. Have a 96 OBL and I did a complete engine rebuild. Pulled the motor and all.. Not too difficult to do, but I've learned a few things about the rebuild.. Worth the effort & time. Best way to properly repair it, in my opinion.




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Did you post this on nasioc asking about steam coming from your car?




Do you think your headgaskets might be leaking? As mentioned by others, the stop-leak stuff won't help much on an internal leak, on the other hand the internal HG leak which sometimes affects Phase 1 2.5l's usually doesn't cause steam.


There's some links to headgasket information here: http://users.sisna.com/ignatius/subaru/headgasket.html



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steve that was me problem i am having is sudden temp. spike and coolant wants to overflow out of tank i took car to work today and no problems at all so i am not 100% sure it is hg but am leaning that way that is why i wanted to know about steam from under hood just have to run car and see what happens

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