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I have a 92 and have had a problem about 5 times now in the last month. While driving the engine starts to shake, only way I can describe it was on older cars when the choke got stuck. It happens most times after the car was run and sat off for 30 plus minutes. Then about 5 minutes into driving it would start.


If I would go to neutral it did not help and revving the car did not seem to help much, then it would go away. I figured water in gas or dirty injectors so I put some STP cleaner in the gas. Any other ideas for me to try? Thanks

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I would check the motor mounts first. The car is 12 years old now, and rubber isn't in its best condition after that long.


The tell-tale sign: When you turn the engine off, on its last cycle, does it jerk hard? Mine did, and I've talked to someone else who had the same problem. Was solved completely by new mounts.


My personal recommendation is to get new OEM mounts from the dealer. Anywhere my engine mounts to the chassis, it is supported by new OEM "liquid-filled" mounts. They cost a pretty penny, but my car runs so smooth it's scary :D

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