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Trick to shifter linkage bushing????

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Does anybody have any hints for replacing the shifting linkage bushings in a ‘90 Legacy? We just did one and had a helluva time getting the bolt back through. I’ve got another one to do and am pretty sure there must be a trick to it...which I’d truly love to know before I start!


I did a search but couldn't find much about it.



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Nope... didn't help.


The bushings I need to replace are gotten at from underneath. The bolt that slides through them has to slide over the drive shaft cone, so it's at an angle which makes it very hard to slide back in once the new bushings are in place. I'm wondering if people drop the drive shaft or what? We ended up grinding part of the bolt head and the collar part of the bolt off to get it back in...with two of us prying and wacking and...:banghead:



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