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Do you know how to read the V.I.N.?

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Do you know how to read the V.I.N. number???

I would like to know when my legacy was built.


As mentioned the plate on the door pillar will tell you but if is damaged or gone the 10th digit of the VIN# is you year identifier:

F=85 G=86 H=87 J=88 K=89 L=90 M=91 N=92 P=93 R=94 S=94 T=96 V=97 W=98 X=99 Y=00 1=01 2=02 3=03 4=04 5=05 6=06


First digit J=Japan 1=US 3=Mexico 4=US


the 13th digit...just kidding, I haven't a clue! I am not Rain Man :-)

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I once had a question (not relating to this in particular, but to something different) and someone gave me a link to this site and it covered it, this site also covers "How to read Subaru VINs" ----just to add another link to the pile. Also, this site has a lot of information about each model and what's standard on each trim etc. basically everything you need to know about Subarus...oh, and it also tells you where to find the VIN...(which I didn't know for sure...)




I hope it's helpful... :)

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