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Terminology question and Fluid Question.

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Recently I have purchased a 1990 Subaru Legacy LS Automatic AWD. And I have been needing to replace all the fluids in the drivetrain. But after looking at the Quick Lubrication Guide (scans below) I am a bit confused what fluid goes in the automatic trans, front differential, and rear differential. Now termanology wise I am a bit confused, from my understanding:


Automatic Trans = Transaxle = GL-5

Front Differential = Final Drive = GL-5

Rear Differential = Rear Differential (hehe) = GL-5


Now the big question is, does the Automatic Transmission take GL-5 as its lubericant? It currently has ATF/Dextron/Red crap that the previous owner must have put in. A big factor here is that the Transmission has a hard time shifting into Second and Fourth and slips under heavey acceleration.




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Umm - do not put API GL-5 in your auto transmission - that would be AF3 that you would use (something Dexron III/ATF III I assume - but don't know - yes it is red, and the stuff isn't crap when maintained) - API GL-5 oil has sulfur in it, and would completely destroy your transmission (eat up everything)


the API GL-5 goes in the front diff of the auto tranny, and the rear diff - I have noticed a few errors (typos/formatting) in my FSM - this would not be the first


your transmission problems sound like the previous owner drove the car hard - or that he/she never changed the tranny fluid - which is something critical on Soobs

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Wow!! That is an overly wide image...


Anyways, on the Engines Service part of the image, on the right side, it says auto trans uses AF3, which I assume is ATF Dexron III. It DOES take ATF in the transmission section. Make sure that you don't confuse the fill/dipsticks.

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thanks, GL-5 in a automatic transmission sounded VERY weird to me and these lube books do suck quite badly. I just wasnt sure since I'v never worked on a AWD car, automatic trans, or a subaru for a fact. Hopefully a fluid change will help the automatic trans or I discover something tommarow when its at my work on a lift.



edit: well this car has been on the owner merry-go-round. I know a female college student and a Indian has owned the car, both prolly beat the hell out of the thing before I stumbled upon it. Besides the trans, the car is in near mint condition and the motor purrs. for 250$ I consider it a steal.

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