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how to check the purge control solenoid

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ok, stupid question from a person who doesnt have a clue.....what piece of equipment do i need in order to check the pcs and egr solenoid of a car in the jy? i figure that if these break alot etc..that it might not be a bad idea to have a spare or two laying around..so, what do i need besides lugging around a battery..



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Actually, all you need to check the EGR solenoid is a good multimeter. Check the resistance off the terminals (should be around 34-40 ohms, if I remember correctly), and that'll tell you if it's in good shape, electrically.


I used the same "technique," and posted the correct resistance, so it ought to be somewhere on the board, if you searched for it. Not sure what the measurement for the PCS should be.

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the PCS and EGR solenoid are essentially the same thing, just with different connectors.


The pile I have on my floor right now all measure around 35ish ohms. anywhere from 30 to 40 is fine. Basically, as long as you don't measure in the kiloOhms, it will work.

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