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I have a 2000 outback that is not starting. I just purchased a new battery for it so I know it isn't the battery that's the problem. When I go to start it I turn the key and all I hear is a click, but the engine doesn't turn over. Sometimes I have to turn the turn 40-90 times before the engine will turn over. I don't have any idea what it could be. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!



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  Tiny Clark said:
The problem is the solenoid contacts inside the starter. The click is the solenoid engaging, but since the contacts in the starter are arced, the starter won't kick in.


How do I take off the solenoid? What can I do?

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  Chef said:
You'd need to remove the starter first. Might be easiest to have it replaced with a new one (or rebuilt?).



How difficult is it to remove the starter and how long should it take to remove? I was wondering if there are other parts that have to be removed before I can even get to the starter.

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Easy job 30 minutes and you should have it off!


1) Disconnect the negative battery cable

2) Disconnect the positive cable from the starter 12mm nut I think

3) Pull the other starter wire from the starter terminal

4) Remove the bottom starter nut 15 or 17 mm. A 6" extension and socket work well.

5) Remove the top starter mount nut and bolt

6) Remove the Starter.


Take it to the local auto parts or starter rebuild shop and have them test it.


Less time to install it!

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  lmdew said:
Easy job 30 minutes and you should have it off!


1) Disconnect the negative battery cable

2) Disconnect the positive cable from the starter 12mm nut I think

3) Pull the other starter wire from the starter terminal

4) Remove the bottom starter nut 15 or 17 mm. A 6" extension and socket work well.

5) Remove the top starter mount nut and bolt

6) Remove the Starter.


Take it to the local auto parts or starter rebuild shop and have them test it.


Less time to install it!


Wow! That sounds easier than it probably will be for me. Thank you I appreciate all the help. If there are any more suggestions I am all ears.

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if you feel ambitious and want to try and fix it yourself (cheaper), here's a post with a link to .doc that shows the insides and what would likely need to be replaced.


disclaimer* This shows an old gen starter, but I would presume they're all about the same anyway.



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  hooziewhatsit said:
if you feel ambitious and want to try and fix it yourself (cheaper), here's a post with a link to .doc that shows the insides and what would likely need to be replaced.


disclaimer* This shows an old gen starter, but I would presume they're all about the same anyway.







Thanks for the link and the pics. If I decided to try to fix it would I need to lift the suby off the ground with a hydraulic lift or could I take it off throught the top of the engine? My email is boysoccer3@yahoo.com, how much would it be to buy one of your used starters?

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  Tiny Clark said:
I love your enthusiasm, but if you don't know what a starter looks like to find it, you probably have no business tearing one apart.



I didn't know what a starter looked like until someone posted a link with pics! I do think that I am going to give it a shot though. I have school until Wednesday next week and then I will have a little free time. It was mentioned that for someone who know what they are doing it would take 30 minutes to remove the starter. Is this correct? If you have any pointers I would appreciate it.

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  boysoccer3 said:
I didn't know what a starter looked like until someone posted a link with pics! I do think that I am going to give it a shot though. I have school until Wednesday next week and then I will have a little free time. It was mentioned that for someone who know what they are doing it would take 30 minutes to remove the starter. Is this correct? If you have any pointers I would appreciate it.


I would say 15 minutes if your tools are ready : two bolts and two electrical connectors. One you just pull off and the other you unbolt.

Speaking of that last connector ( the main one coming directly from the battery), disconnect the battery before touching it if you dont want your wrench to decome a welder.

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  Tiny Clark said:
The bottom bolt can be a bear. At least, it wasn't easy on my '96, maybe yours is different.


I second that! Last month I ended up putting the car on ramps and attacking that bottom bolt from underneath the car, a '95 Legacy.


But, all in all, it's a pretty easy repair.

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