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If the scratch is in the back or side glasses, unfortuntaly any type of buffing will cause the window to blow up. (been there, done that!) Not a pretty picture. It is possible to "lightly"(!!!!) buff side windows and also the windshield but as you already stated, if you can feel it with your fingernail, it will not come out. It might appear as though it is not deep, but when you are talking glass, it is usually worse than it seems.

You may want to try Lesbaru's suggestion with RainX. Never tried it but it certainly can't hurt anything!

What part of Maryland are you? York, PA here.

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This CAN be polished out. I just did this on a new windshield that was installed... and the installer noticed the scratch _after_ completing the job. I work for a glazing company... the guys in the shop hooked me up with a disk polisher that fits onto a pad + drill. Takes some time and effort, polishing with water and powerful drill, but a minor scratch can definately be polished w/o exploding glass ; )


I'll try and get the info on the polishing stuff & post it here tomorrow... can't remember the company, but pretty sure it was ordered online.


I scratched the glass on my previous legacy when pulling into garage w/ bikes on rack... DOH! :madder:

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Try these guys: http://www.gtglass.com


Glass Technology | 1-800-441-4527 | gt@gtglass.com


Pm me w/ email addy if you would like a pdf sample of their "scratch magic" polishing product instructions.




"All that is needed is a small 110-volt drill and a water spray bottle. Kit includes; 1 re-useable backing pad w/1/4" shaft for use in drill, 3 pressure sensitive discs, 1 polishing disc and instructions. Only $39.50 (part # SRSM, additional discs available for re-order).

Order Now!"


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