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ECU Question

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I went to the junk yard today and was looking for an ecu for my 83 wagon, but I couldn't find any EA-81's. There were lots of EA-82's though. So I pulled 3 ecu's but they were all different, one was from a Loyale and it had T3 on it. Another was from a GL10 and it had 36 on it, and the other was from a GL and it had 42 on it. So my question is, will any of these work for my wagon?

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I'm so confused now it's not even funny. A friend just came over that wants to buy the 83 and when we were looking at it I discovered that there aren't any wires to go to the ecu. The guy said that it looked like the prev. owner bypassed the ecu some how. So I'm going to sell it to him hopefully for $300, $180 less than what I bought it for. So thank you for your help.

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