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:banana: Hey everyone I am a Deputy Sheriff with the Monongalia County Sheriff Dept. in Morgantown WV. Less than 6 months ago I bought a 97 impreza outback sport and I LOVE IT!!!

I have been thinking lately about what a great police cruiser a legacy would make, if it only had more HP and was a little larger.

Now here is a couple questions. Does anyone know if the next generation legacy will have these desireable features, and has anyone heard of police departments (US or otherwise) using subaru's in their fleet. If so I would love to see some pics.

thanks for reading my post,



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Hiya RB,


I know there was an ancient post regarding cool Scoob cruisers around the world. I think there was even one in Wyoming, a 00-02 Legacy OBS. It looked kick-rump roast as a cruiser, though I don't know if it was modified. Tell you what, though. I think a B4 Blitzen (Read: Japanese TURBO Legacy :-D) would be the best implementation of a police cruiser, especially in mountainous areas where AWD is an added bonus on dirt and snowy roads. AND, here's the good news. I was reading Road & Track the other day, and came across the "First Look" section regarding the new Legacy's in Japan. They will have a Turbo version coming to the states, with as much as 250 horses! :brow: Imagine THAT with a set of bubble-gum machines on the hood! My only (small) qualm is that it looks like a street-racer's Honda Accord :confused: Anyway, that's all I know. If you want, I'll get more info on the new Leg's and send it your way. Have fun with the Impreza Allen!



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Originally posted by Rice Burner

:banana: Hey everyone I am a Deputy Sheriff with the Monongalia County Sheriff Dept. in Morgantown WV. Less than 6 months ago I bought a 97 impreza outback sport and I LOVE IT!!!

I have been thinking lately about what a great police cruiser a legacy would make, if it only had more HP and was a little larger.

Now here is a couple questions. Does anyone know if the next generation legacy will have these desireable features, and has anyone heard of police departments (US or otherwise) using subaru's in their fleet. If so I would love to see some pics.

thanks for reading my post,




We could tell you how to get more "hp" out of your Subaru but then we would have to kill you. :lol:

ala Mission Impossible..........we can't have you guy's out running us now can we :D


Seriously though, do a search for subaru+police vehicles using GOOGLE and read to your hearts content.



I have seen a pic of an OBW as a Sherrif's car in the USA and this one in Italy




This one is from the UK




Why not try an XT Forester (this is not an XT) but it gives you an idea on what it would look like.



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Yeah, I saw a pic of a Canadian Legacy Police car a while back, ever since then I've been waiting to see one in MN. I just can't see why they would do a hot pursuit in their Fords in the winter. That and ditch diving with a Legacy is probably a lot more easy and safe.


I always thought it was due to acceleration issues or something (compared to the "raw American power") but in this month’s issue of Sport Compact Car... I learned that they're slower than hell comparatively. For those of you that haven't seen it, you should check it out.... it's pretty hilarious.


Yeah about the "STI Legacy" that's coming to America... been waiting for one of those for years. The RSK B4 was an amazing machine. It's too bad the rumors I heard weren't true (which I wasn't counting on) about the Turbo Legacy STi having a Twin/Single turbo H6. That would have made my day :( Instead it has a twin turbo EJ20 making 276 Horsies. But at any rate I don't have 30k+ anyway, heh.


Here's a link to the JDM Legacy Page

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In Colfax, WA they have atleast one legacy sedan outback as a police cruiser. It has a low profile light bar (looks just like a roof rack) and is marked only moderately. Hasn't gotten me yet...but be careful, Colfax is one town you don't want to be speeding in!

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