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Pepe has died!!

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My little Pepe is totalled. Someone in a 2004 Passat cut in front of me at an intersection. My car held up as well as a 20 year old car could. It was all front end damage. After their insurance (yup, their fault) takes car of the claim, there might be some good used parts coming online. More to follow . . .

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some lady in a brand new audi almost got to buy my SVX on friday.. dumb woman pulled out rightin front of me and i was doin 50moh.. luckily there was room to dodge and slam on the brakes.. otherwise her audi woulda been bent in half and she woulda bought me another mint SVX.



glad your ok, hope you totaled the other persons passat too.. might teach them a lesson next time they pull out in front of someone.

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ya, good thing you're ok.. y'know ive almost been in way too many dingers lately, usually due to someone with one hand on their phone and one hand on the wheel. i think they should pass a law like the one where if you use a firearm when committing a felony its an extra 2 years. so, if you get into an accident while using a cell phone, penalty is higher. ok.. mini rant over.. talk amongst yourselves...

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here in Australia its illegal to use a cell phone while driving. If you get cought you lose your licence for 6months i think, and a fine. I know some one how was on there phone and drove out into someone. It really is a stupid thing to do, be on the phone while driving that is. The only accednt I've be in is when I rolled my brothers ford telstar down a s&$# scary slope twice. But it didn't hurt so it was ok, just one foot from death thats all :-\

Good luck on the insurance stuff. Hope you get every thing plus some!

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What's really surprising is the number of Honduhs and the like that pull out in front of my Dodge truck.. TWICE in Denver I've had some idiot in a Neon run a light and almost hit me (had his wife and kids in the car, and WAS LAUGHING ABOUT IT) and then another time with some idiot in a Probe.. Both would have been like hitting a beer can with a sledge hammer :)) Shoot, I got rear-ended by a Mercury Grand Marquis (Big ol' 80s boat) and it tweaked my ball mount on my hitch, and totaled the Merc... And the kid was doing like 30 when he hit me! lol


Glad you're okay though, cars can be replaced, people can't.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Sorry about the wait. My beloved Pepe was a 1985 GL, 5 spd, D/R 4wd, good little runner. The insurance company bought it outright. So, I'll be searching for another Subie here soon. Thanks for all the replys . . .

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I'm planning to restore my other black RX and just keep it stored in a barn until God-knows-when.


West Virginia is full of idiot drivers, and I want to have a spare car for when some idiot pulls out in front of me/slams into me. Because I know it'll happen sometime, hell, it's happened before.

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