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Need more help (CAS dist.)

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Thanks for the past help, but I need more. 1987 G-10 4wd wagon at.,

Is there a fuse inline before the crank angle senor dist., between the coil and dist.? My coil is fine has power through it but no fire back to the cap, the wire is good also. I must have wrecked the LED on the CAS some how (water in dist cap) . Can I use another dist. type ie. breakless ignition system in replacement or have to find a CAS dist. and where? What else could be the problem? Thanks for any help, Jim

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There is no fuse there. You should check all connections to the coil and distributor before anything else.

If your engine has a crank angle sensor, then it needs it to run - and the crank angle sensor is not directly connected to the coil. THe angle sensor gives the computer the crank position, and the computer tells the coil to fire. Have you checked for error codes? That would be the next thing i'd do.

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Thanks for the help, The code is 4 quick flashs long pause and 4 more quick flashs, with and with out the green wire together. Now what? Thanks for the help. Jim




There is no fuse there. You should check all connections to the coil and distributor before anything else.

If your engine has a crank angle sensor, then it needs it to run - and the crank angle sensor is not directly connected to the coil. THe angle sensor gives the computer the crank position, and the computer tells the coil to fire. Have you checked for error codes? That would be the next thing i'd do.

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