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Where is it? Rear washer hardware?

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All right Subu-Guru's. How does the rear window washer thing work? I have a switch on the dash that activates rear wiper. I got a squirter thingy on the rear door. I looked in one of those rear compartments and find a hose that went up into the door but ended in the little compartment. How is this thing routed? Does it T into the front ones or is it supposed to have it's own stuff. The 3 repair manuals I have make no reference to it that I can find.


Also, is there an aftermarket trick to get replacement hatch lifts? Or are we stuck with Factory replacements? Mine are O.K. for now but apparently don't work in winter.


Is there a quota on stupid newby questions?


Thanks all.

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yo wussup man! all i can tell you is that if its an EA82 wagon you'll find all the hardware in the area were the jack is. in other words its on the left side of the the cargo area. all you gotta do is take out your jack without damaging all the hardware that's in there if you have any more questions on that go ahead and PM me and i'll give you more info.;) P.S. just to be sure is it an ea82 wagon? (1985 and newer) because i only know about that year and later.

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