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ecu location..how to check codes

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The ECU is located behind a steel panal, under the carpet, on the passenger side. Toward the front of the floor.


It is most likely OBD1, but I have a late 1995 Impreza L, that is indeed OBD2. Depends on the manufacture date. If there is a small plug connector under the lower left side of the dash, it's OBD2. (It's behind a little door)



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The ECU is located behind a steel panal, under the carpet, on the passenger side. Toward the front of the floor.


It is most likely OBD1, but I have a late 1995 Impreza L, that is indeed OBD2. Depends on the manufacture date. If there is a small plug connector under the lower left side of the dash, it's OBD2. (It's behind a little door)



Correct call Todd, my 95 Legacy wagon is OBD2 also. On a side note, in you list of cars, you show a 95 Impreza L 2.2 AWD but don't show it as an auto tranny, I though all 2.2s up to 97 were autos in Imprezas.
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DR RX Yes, my Impreza is automatic.


Now as for codes...if you have the plug and are OBD2, you need a code reader. Many parts stores will read this code for free. (AutoZone/Orielys, ect)


If you are OBD1, you have to connect wires under the dash and look for the sequence of flashes on the dash. (I'm not an expert on OBD1s, so I hope the board members will add to this.)



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