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1988 DL 4WD wagon stop lights on

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After finding that my stop lights were staying on, I unplugged the connector to the switch, and the lights still stayed on.

In the '87-'89 lighting system diagram in Haynes it shows a wire from the stop light switch going to the rectangular "stop light checker" which is grounded.

To be able to drive the wagon safely i would like to isolate that wire, which is apparently grounded, and replace it with another one, but--

Where is the "stop light checker" located?

Ray Mac

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After finding that my stop lights were staying on, I unplugged the connector to the switch, and the lights still stayed on.

In the '87-'89 lighting system diagram in Haynes it shows a wire from the stop light switch going to the rectangular "stop light checker" which is grounded.

To be able to drive the wagon safely i would like to isolate that wire, which is apparently grounded, and replace it with another one, but--

Where is the "stop light checker" located?

Ray Mac


In The right tail light.....

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