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An RX story.

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Now that the time is right, it's time for me to tell a story.


Back in October of '03, I was doing an internship at an office downtown. One day in the parking garage I spotted a gem- a black RX! The car was in amazing condition, super clean inside and out. Just for the heck of it, I stuck a note under the wiper saying that if they ever wanted to sell the car, call me.


I never saw the RX again. I spotted a few cars of the like in town, but each turned out to be a Loyale RS. What a shame, it was such a pretty car.










Fast forward to two months ago. I got a call on my cell, no idea who it was, so I didn't pick up. They left a message. It was some guy named Bill... Bill who owned a black RX. A black RX that was parked in the garage that day in 2003. I couldn't believe it- he saved the note! Bill said he was ready to sell the car, and thought he'd give me a call before posting it in the paper.


But it gets better. Bill said he had not one, but TWO RX's! And.... both were black! I was flipping out. My girlfriend at the time was with me, and just didn't get it. I was like a kid on Christmas morning.


Lots of things went through my head. Has the car deteriorated? Is the other one a basket case? Is he asking some crazy price for the pair?


We discussed things a little further. I was waiting on a tax refund, he was planning a trip. We decided to defer things until a little over a month later.


Three weeks ago, we arranged a meeting to see the cars. Turns out, RX #1 has a thrown rod. It had been sitting for a while, but wasn't TOO bad. Possibly worth fixing. At that point, I decided I was taking both cars if the other was in similar or better condition.


RX #2 was absolutely gorgeous. She was still in the same condition as that day I saw her in the parking garage. The car had had tip top maintenance, and ran better than any EA82 I'd ever seen. Simply amazing. Even the interior was immaculate- with no rips or flattening of the driver's seat side bolsters!


We talked pricing. I got Bill down to $1100 for the pair. No way in hell was I letting this go. I left a deposit and promised that he'd be paid in full as soon as my tax refund came back.



My tax refund came back this week.





And so, here I unveil my best Subaru deal ever (after a little teasing in off topic)....









It seems I've had twins. The vin numbers are only 700 apart. Both check out, these are genuine RX's! Two black RX's in the same place? Unheard of!


I'll have better (and cleaner) pics soon.



Drove the pretty one home tonight. AWESOME, awesome car. I'm in love with it already. The non-running one will be trailered home at a later date, at which point I'll go over it with a fine-tooth comb and decide its fate.


I'm finally back in a Subaru after a 6-month hiatus, and DAMN, it feels great!!

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I've spotted a white one around here.... it turns out it got sold to this guy Johnny who should know about this website cuz ever since my dad sold him his first one about 15 years ago..... that's all he'll drive. He's rebuilding the engine and replacing some suspension components.... it'll be a beauty someday :brow:

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I'm VERY green right now - I sooo want the junky RX - what a project!!! (hey, I like pulling wrenches as much as driving) and they both have the 5-speed D/R FT4WD tranny!!!! :slobber::eek::headbang::banana:


BTW - it looks like someone put an '85/'86 grill on the junky one



sorry, you probably already know that, but I had to throw it in there anyway

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